We're going back to court for 16,000 jackdaws targeted in Brittany We're going back to court for 16,000 jackdaws targeted in Brittany

We're going back to court for 16,000 jackdaws targeted in Brittany

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In the Finistère and Côtes-d’Armor departments, 16,000 jackdaws are at risk of being culled in the coming months. Despite their protection at European and national level. Once again, we are attacking these decrees!

Jackdaws shot by the thousands: a protected species, really?

In the middle of the nesting season, even though the young have just been born and are still in their nests, hunters will be able to shoot thousands of jackdaws in the coming weeks. Even though all the studies show that culling is not an effective solution to the damage attributed to them. In fact, in the neighboring department of Morbihan, our unfailing commitment has led to a drastic reduction in the number of birds targeted.

Mass culling, a policy that doesn’t work

Cruel and ineffective: that’s how to describe the actions of the prefects of the Finistère and Côtes-d’Armor departments. Besides, they themselves admit that last year’s mass culls had no effect. Perhaps they should have listened to us, as we keep repeating: all scientific studies show that killing birds has no impact on reducing crop damage, either at plot level or at departmental level.

Basically, it’s all about appeasing farmers at little cost, since the lives of animals, even protected ones, are obviously of no value to the prefects. All the while knowing full well that the measures implemented will not work. One more tartuffery!

Shooting protected birds when other solutions exist: no!

There are a thousand ways of preventing birds from feeding in the fields, but none of them have been seriously studied. In the Finistère department, the prefect limits himself to pointing out that they would be too long and complex. Obstructing chimneys, where these birds like to nest, too long and too complex? It’s the last straw, given the ease with which thousands of protected birds can be slaughtered…

In 2022, our appeals saved almost 27,000 birds in extremis. Although last year the courts refused to suspend these decisions as a matter of urgency, our actions have nonetheless made it possible, year after year, to significantly reduce quotas. We are therefore once again taking legal action against the decrees issued by the prefects of the Finistère and Côtes-d’Armor departments!

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