Victory for mountain Galliformes: One Voice has had the Savoie Prefect’s decree suspended!
One Voice has just obtained an urgent suspension of the Savoie prefectural decree, thus sparing the lives of hundreds of black grouse, rock partridges, and rock ptarmigans.
On 18 October, One Voice defended the black grouse, rock partridges, and rock ptarmigans at the Grenoble Administrative Tribunal. The judge has just ruled for an urgent suspension of the Savoie Prefect’s decree allowing them to be hunted up until 11 November 2022. Furthermore, the hunting acts on these emblematic birds were authorised on very significant quotas, respectively: 414, 190, and 60 individuals.
The fundamental decision, which will take place as a result of an upcoming hearing, the date of which we do not know yet, will determine the legality or illegality of the decree. Our lawyer, from Maitre Gossement’s office, will be representing us once again.
While waiting, no more individuals from these three species of mountain birds from the Savoie region can be killed by hunters in this context: the judge has suspended hunting for the three species: rock partridges, black grouse, and rock ptarmigans.
According to Muriel Arnal, Founding President of One Voice:
«It is a great satisfaction to know that less than one week of action by One Voice will allow the lives of hundreds of mountain birds to be saved. For how long can we put up with State representatives remaining deaf and blind to the cries of these birds that are disappearing? A disappearance amplified by the recreational hobby of hunters!»
The Grenoble urgent applications judge ruled that the urgent condition was fulfilled due to the irreversible character of the “destruction” of individuals from this threatened species and the fact that the hunting season was already open. In line with this idea, he also admitted that there was a serious doubt as to the legality of the decree and the decisions associated on the maximum number of animals allowed to be hunted, with regard to the Birds Directive and the Environmental Code, which could compromise conservation efforts undertaken regarding these birds.
The judge also noted that the 106 decisions made on 12 September 2022 by hunters to allocate annual individual hunting plans were acted upon prior to the Prefect’s decree authorising hunting of mountain Galliformes, while the decree of 15 September 2022 should have constituted the basis allowing these to be adopted.
Mountain Galliformes also defended in Pau
In Pau on 19 October, the Administrative Tribunal cancelled the Hautes-Pyrénées prefectural decree of 2 October 2020 that we had obtained a suspension for in October 2020. This one was relating to the hunting of western capercaillies and rock ptarmigans for the 2020-2021 season. It had been attacked by the FNE Midi-Pyrénées, FNE Hautes-Pyrénées, and Nature en Occitanie Associations, who One Voice joined as a voluntary participant.
As we have condemned for years, the prefectures thus seem to be the place for hunters to register their wishes… A public policy must come from a balanced decision, taking into account all of the parties involved, those defending animals and wildlife included. And certainly not to support the private interests of a small group who intend to practice their ‘hobby’ as they see fit: hunting. All of our futures depend on it.
Translated from the French by Joely Justice