Tiger or llama? We make an appeal after the death of an animal in a circus
The removal of the corpse of a tiger from a circus in Orleans on March 2nd 2018 was filmed by animal activists. In the article "Central Republic", the authorities speak of a llama ... We appeal to know the truth about what happened to this animal.
The removal of the corpse of a tiger from a circus in Orleans on March 2nd 2018 was filmed by animal activists. In the article “Central Republic”, the authorities speak of a llama … We appeal to know the truth about what happened to this animal.
The disposal of the corpse of a tiger from a circus in Orleans on March 2nd 2018 was filmed by animal protectors. In the article “Central Republic”, the authorities speak of a llama … We appeal to know the truth about what happened to this animal.
The journalists describe the odour smelt by the activists during the removal of the tiger’s body for disposal. The authorities indicate that the deceased animal was not abused. What do they know? It would be a golden tabby tigress suffering from kidney problems, who had practically stopped eating for several weeks, like her mother and sister before her, but the circus would have continued to exhibit her on the circuit for 15 days … Kidney problems are common among carnivores, and in the last days felines can suffer terribly. If the tigress had been treated and alleviated, which we hoped had happened, then why would her body have been left like that for several days?
Given the many grey areas, we are filing a lawsuit so that light can be shed on the death of this “llama” in this circus. We also ask for the report from the DDPP, on the autopsies of three tigresses, and a copy of the accident register. And if necessary we will file a complaint.
Would a llama also have lost his life?
What report or information did the circus give? Why did the authorities not come to make observations on the spot that same day? How did this animal really die? Did it suffer? Was there a treatment? Was there an error on the species of the dead animal? Or is it two animals? Why was the tigress on the circuit if she was ill or suffering? Tigers have never been so close to extinction. While it is known that the breeding of golden tabby or white tigers is for the sole purpose of obtaining appealing animals and which hurts these individuals concerned, then why is it still allowed to go on?
So many questions about this investigation to which our appeal will trigger, hopefully permitting us to get the answers.