Those who are anti-wolves ban a conference: are they afraid of the truth ?

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They are afraid of the wolf, afraid of everything. But not ridicule! A conference on the biology of wolves that was to take place Wednesday, 15 June in Nyons (26) has been cancelled under the pressure from farmers. After the ban last May, behind the fluffy toy representing a wolf, the anti-wolf farmers continue to impose their unpopular decree.

“Wolves, the biology of a myth”, the long-awaited
conference at CFPPA (1) in Nyons had to be cancelled by this public
establishment, under the pressure of a small group of farmers and the
sub Prefect invoking the threat of disturbing public order. However,
this conference proposed by the SFEPM (2) has already been welcomed
without problem in several places in the south-east of France since
the beginning of the year, especially in agricultural colleges at the
request of teachers or students. They present in a dispassionate way
the scientific knowledge available about wolves, in order to attempt
to inform the students and the public on what is a very complex

27-28 May, the organizers of the Giro (cycling tour of Italy) had
withdrawn their mascot during the passage of the race in France,
under the pressure from local elected officials and the prefecture of
the Hautes-Alpes obeying the injunctions of farmers who threatened to
block the race. The unique cause: the mascot represented was a wolf.
Once again, local officials are the accomplices to a handful of
farmers who dictate their desire to eliminate wolves right up to the
stuffed animals of their effigy and up to the scientific information
on this species.

live on public subsidies and must know that 80% of the French want to
protect wolves (3). Will the citizens who help pay the famers with
their taxes endure for a long time that an obscurantist minority thus
imposes its law? The conference of the SFEPM (2) will be given in
other places including in Drôme, to promote the sharing of knowledge
and to exchange with the public, particularly with farmers who are
open to information and dialogue. Next conference scheduled: this
Tuesday, June 14 at 20h, at the House of Geology Puy-Saint-André

CAP Loup (Wolf)

CFPPA: Centre for Professional Training and Agricultural Promotion

SFEPM: French Society for the Study and Protection of Mammals

IFOP ASPAS / One Voice survey, September 2013

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