The ordeal of Kuma, a small stray cat
What a traumatic experience for Kuma! Our Zoe Cell will be there, One Voice will organise her care and we will represent her in court. We will do everything to ensure that the perpetrator of this abominable act is found. Because for us, stray cats are still important!
For years, One Voice has been committed to defending stray cats, those who have nobody that cares, to offer love or safety and food. Poor Kuma suffered unparalleled violence: thrown against a wall, hit with a baseball bat, treated like an object and kicked, her fate is that of many stray cats without a home. So vulnerable, she was the ideal prey …
Kuma “lancée contre un mur, frappée avec un objet de type batte de base-ball et rouée de coups de pieds”. La souffrance abyssale des chats errants qui n’ont personne pour les pleurer. Nous portons plainte! #CelluleZoé #UrgenceErranceFéline @F3PaysdelaLoire https://t.co/TfJqh7HycK
— One Voice (@onevoiceanimal) 8 décembre 2018
How many cats, like Chevelu and Kuma, are close to death after being the victim of the worst kind of cruelty and without anyone knowing about it? We do not see the fear in their eyes, we do not see their thin and hungry bodies walking by, however, they are there, still suffering, in apathy and indifference.
Whether it’s the rescue of these cats and the convictions of their torturers, our Zoé Cell takes care of their rescue and all of the legal actions that follow. But we also publicize these terrible stories so that the public become aware and above all so they do not happen again. We also emphasize the pedagogical aspect, informing again and again about the imperative necessity of sterilization. We also want to ban sales in pet stores or classified ads because behind them are often hidden traffickers or people indifferent to the suffering of animals. Saving animals, empowering, changing the regulations and putting an end to the impunity of these violent people who use animals as mere objects and mistreat them … These are our missions.
As long as one cat still has to suffer cruelty, our fight will continue! Thank you for continuing to sign and share our Stray Feline Emergency petition.