The daily atrocity: a new selection of animal experimentation projects in France
As announced a few days ago, we’re continuing to present you with certain projects, all validated by the French Ministry of Research, involving the use of animals in experiments. Join us, write !
Every day in France, a multitude of animals are subjected to experiments. These projects may be linked to research (fundamental and applied), or to regulatory and toxicological testing.
Between May 13 and 22, 2024, in just ten days, the fate of 28,9493 animals was decided: 17,2134 mice, 89,021 rats, 9,000 bats, 4,698 fish (mainly eels and trouts), 1,965 pigs, 1,670 birds, 869 dogs, 196 horses, 178 rabbits, 174 goats, 106 llamas, 4 monkeys… After being used as laboratory equipment, they will almost all be euthanized.
No species is spared!
The dogs, the majority of whom are beagles and whose breeding farms in France we have repeatedly pointed the finger at, will be subjected to administration of products by gastric intubation, inflicting pain and vomiting, cerebrospinal fluid sampling or force-feeding for gastric juice extraction.
Pigs, or piglets, will undergo coelioscopies, kidney removal followed by the induction of a kidney disease resulting in severe pain, electrode implantation with simulation tests, multiple behavioral tests, or heavy surgeries with irradiation resulting in severe pain.
As for small herbivores, they are always the most affected: 17,2134 mice, 8,9021 rats, 1,480 hamsters, 7,200 guinea pigs and 75 gerbils… Unbelievable but true, the following list is only a selection – representative, of course, but not exhaustive – of published projects:
- Exposure to alcohol by various means (free consumption, inhalation or injection) over periods ranging from eight weeks to one year. Rats will be isolated for the entire period and undergo surgical procedures to implant intracranial cannulas, as well as repeated intraperitoneal injections and electric shocks: 4,480 of them will suffer severe pain and be euthanized.
- As part of the toxicity evaluation of a product, it will be administered to rodents to assess its effect on the reproductive system. Animals will undergo vaginal lavage prior to mating and alterations in mating behavior, difficulties with implantation, gestation, delivery, lactation, alterations in maternal behavior and adult sexual development as well as fetal and post-natal development of offspring: 14,840 mice and 59,624 rats will be used and euthanized at the end of the procedure ;
- Mechanical wounding of the anorectal area. Mice will receive injections and acts of anorectal wounding (twice a week for two or four weeks) where the area will be scraped with a scalpel creating significant pain. Some will receive a transplant via an injection to the anorectal area: 3,424 mice will be used, some of them experiencing severe pain. All will be euthanized ;
- Injection of West Nile virus, which can cause death in infected mice less than a week after infection due to neurological damage: 2,380 mice will suffer severe pain and will be euthanized ;
- Injection of an immune disease. Animals will receive a maximum of 140 administrations. The appearance of necrosis at the injection site, weakness of the tail, paralysis of the limbs, weight loss and joint inflammation in the limbs can be observed: 2,940 rats will suffer severe pain and will be euthanized ;
- Up to 336 administrations, 44 blood samples and numerous behavioral tests to study depression and anxiety: 9,400 mice and 7,200 rats will be used and euthanized at the end of the project ;
- Induction of endometriosis and placement of an osmotic mini-pump with severe pain, stress and transient weight loss: 2,400 mice will experience severe pain and will be euthanized ;
- Brain damage with epileptic seizures induction and transmitters installation: 2,605 mice will be used, most of them suffering severe pain. All will be euthanized ;
- Injection to develop lymphomas. This will cause severe pain, stress and loss of mobility due to large lymph nodes: 1,493 mice will suffer severe pain and will be euthanized ;
- Induction of peritonitis: 600 mice will suffer severe pain and be euthanized ;
- Production of humanized mice. This involves the use of immunodeficient, genetically modified animals who will undergo transplantation of human stem cells capable of generating a human immune system: 5,120 mice are involved and can be reused in other projects if the conditions are met. If not, they will be euthanized.
- Induction of intoxication resulting in weight loss, severe pain, stress, tremors, fasciculations and loss of muscle tone: 920 mice will suffer severe pain and will be euthanized.
- Injection of a henipavirus. The project mentions the potential appearance of paralysis, tremors, dizziness or respiratory symptoms: 100 mice will experience severe pain and will be euthanized.
- Injection of tumor cells resulting in mild to severe skin lesions (necrosis), movement difficulties or respiratory difficulties: 1,080 mice will experience severe pain and will be euthanized.
We call on laboratories to systematically favor available alternative methods, as required by law, and on professionals to train in animal-free testing. We also urge political representatives to support increased funding for research into these methods. Despite an agreement in principle, real political will is required to move forward, and more investment is needed to put an end to the use of thousands of animals as victims of experimentation.
To put an end to these methods, join us in calling for an end to animal experimentation, and write to the Minister of Higher Education and Research: download the standard letter.