Supplementary underground hunting period: 3 new victories and 1,500 badgers saved!
From one department to the next, badger parents and their young can relax! Together with AVES, One Voice attacked the decrees issued by the prefects of Morbihan and Côtes-d’Armor. In the Eure department, we joined forces with AVES, FNE Normandie and LPO Normandie. The Rouen and Rennes administrative tribunals ruled in our favor: the diggers will be leaving their shovels and picks in the garage this spring! However, the battle is far from over, and new hearings are already scheduled: summary proceedings in Nantes on June 6 (for the Vendée department), and final hearings in Rennes on June 17 (for the Finistère department).
Photo : Tiago Cabral – cc by-nc-nd 4.0 deed
Since May 15, 5 suspensions and thousands of lives saved!
After our victories in the Aveyron, Cher and Finistère departments, which saved 800 individuals, the courts have just suspended the digging of badgers in the Eure, Morbihan and Côtes-d’Armor departments! A carnage narrowly avoided, since nearly 1,500 badgers are killed there every year after hours of underground tracking.
As hunters were getting ready for action, judges recognized everywhere that this “hobby” was unjustified and endangered newborn badgers. All in all, almost 2300 badgers will be able to spend spring and summer in peace!
A marathon for the animals: new hearings to come!
Opposition to underground hunting is a long-term battle. Prefectures everywhere use strategies to make our task more difficult. But we’re not giving up, and we’ll be back in court in the coming days.
On June 6 at 10am, with AVES and ASPAS, we will be in Nantes to obtain the suspension of the supplementary period in the Vendée department. And on June 17 at 10.30am, just a few days after suspending it as an emergency measure, the administrative court in Rennes, which we appealed to with the LPO Finistère, will rule definitively on badger hunting in this department.
More than ever, badgers need your support. For their sake, sign our petitions to ban underground hunting and obtain protection for badgers, and for a radical reform of hunting!
Suspensions already obtained for spring 2024 to date (June 3, 2024): Finistère, Aveyron, Morbihan, Cher, Côtes-d’Armor, Eure.