Stray dogs from Sochi: killed with the agreement of the town hall
Russia: The municipality of Sochi settles the problem of stray dogs by employing a private company, responsible for killing them. Stop this massacre!
In Russia, the municipality of Sochi settles the problem of stray dogs by employing a private company, responsible for killing them. Discover in pictures the process put in place and write to the Russian Embassy in France!
Transcript of the video:
- We conducted our investigation to find out how the municipality of Sochi deals with stray animals; an act reflecting the level of development in our society.
- We discovered that they supported the slaughter of stray animals in their city.
- It all began in 2013, when the city authorities (Krasnodar region) agreed to “clean” the streets of stray animals.
- It was clearly defined that this “cleaning” consisted of the delivery, transportation use and killing of the animals.
- The Krasnodar regional law allows stray animals to be killed only if they pose a danger to society. Otherwise, they must be cared for in a shelter.
- But in 2013, there were none in the city.
- It was at this time that animal advocates in the city alerted the administration while raising public awareness.
- In 2013, the city authorities decided to grant 5 hectors of municipal land and 7 million rubles (corresponding to € 100,000) for some unspecified cause.
- The Sochi administration has proposed to an association for people with disabilities to be installed within the shelter, a capacity of up to 50 places with conditions that do not comply with sanitary and veterinary regulations.
- How would the disability organization find the time to care for dogs?
- E. Gontareva, an activist of the animal cause, testifies.
- We learned that a certain company BASSIA from Rostov-on Don captures dogs in Sochi. She won the contract of 9 Mln rubles to kill stray animals.
- In 2017, with this sum, the company has exterminated more than 3000 stray animals
Egor: We have a pack of dogs in our neighbourhood and I do not know who to talk to?
BASSIA: In what place?
Egor: Next to 33 Alpiiskaya Street
BASSIA: You will have to address the city hall to make your request
Egor: What is the best thing to do? There are many children passing by here
BASSIA: I understand, people are aggressive nowadays and we do this work very early in the morning
Egor: So how much will it cost us?
BASSIA: I’ll tell you this, make your request to the mayor, the mayor will pay
Egor: The animals are going to a shelter, are they not?
Egor: There is no refuge?
BASSIA: There are shelters but they do not take them. I can give you addresses, but I assure you they do not take them
Egor: Are you going to kill them?
BASSIA: We put them to sleep
Egor: Do you put them to sleep? What do you mean?
BASSIA: Yes, what else do you want us to do?
We phoned MKU (State Municipal Administration, or City Hall) of Centralnii District of Sochi.
Mayor: Hello!
Egor: A BASSIA employee gave me your phone number and said that the catching of animals was done with your agreement?
City Hall: Yes, I am listening to you. In which district are you?
Egor: 33 Alpiiskaya Street, but I would like some clarification. Will the animals be welcomed at the shelter?
City Hall: No, there are not many places.
Egor: Are you going to put them to sleep?
City Hall: Of course, you really want me to describe the whole process? Is it not better, don’t you think? There are not many places in the shelter and not enough food. The refuge in Baranovka is very small.
Egor: The dogs will be taken to the vet to be put asleep?
City Hall: A product is sent through a small tube and via a syringe
Egor: Is it in the morning that the company does the work so that the children cannot see anything?
City Hall: Of course, they come only at dawn
Reminder to BASSIA:
Egor: Hello again, has the administration registered the request for tomorrow?
BASSIA: I do not know, no one has called for the moment
Egor: Yes, the authorities did not specify the cost. I do not understand, is it free?
BASSIA: Mr Pakhomov (the Mayor) we pay. You can find that out. The City Hall confirms the order we carry out the work before we are paid.
Act By writing to the Russian Embassy in France
Massacre of stray animals is as cruel as it is insane. This does not bring solutions in the long term. It is possible to cure and sterilize animals, it is enough to have the political will. Only sustainable and ethical management can answer this problem, to help these animals in great suffering and the poorly informed population. Thank you for mobilizing!
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