Stray dog culling campaign in the Haute-Vienne department, One Voice attacks the decree
Is the killing of stray dogs becoming the new “national sport” in France? Less than two months after the Aveyron prefecture’s decision to authorize lieutenants of louveterie and pests to kill stray dogs approaching flocks, the Haute-Vienne department has decided to do the same in the villages of Saint-Paul and Saint-Genest-sur-Roselle. We have just lodged an application with the Limoges administrative court for urgent suspension of this decree.

From “destruction” to “neutralization”, different names, same objective
While the Aveyron prefecture clearly referred to the “destruction of stray, wandering or evil dogs”, the Haute-Vienne prefecture prefers the term “neutralization of stray dogs”. A more polished name, which might suggest a different purpose… However, once again, it’s a question of slaughter.
What’s new: this time, the decree is in force “until further notice” and with no specific timetable. Lost or abandoned dogs, or dogs walking more than 100 meters from their families and approaching flocks, can therefore be shot at – even in the middle of the day! So much for human safety…
Dogs or wolves, the gun at the end of the road
The farming and hunting lobbies are no longer satisfied with being allowed to kill several hundred wolves a year. In the Haute-Vienne department in early May, the Coordination Rurale trade union even threatened to resort to poaching: “Prefect, please act quickly, or we’ll get organized”. French anti-wolf/pro-ranching politicians are bending over backwards to pander to their electorate, now issuing permits to kill dogs.
Train farmers to implement protection measures effectively and efficiently? Make the protection of all farm animals compulsory and subsidize it? Use non-lethal methods to capture and rescue dogs who were abandoned on the eve of the vacations? Why would the State bother to protect sheep, cows and horses destined for the slaughterhouse when it can simply have wolves and dogs killed?
As we did with the decree issued by the Aveyron prefecture, we’re attacking the Haute-Vienne decree to protect dogs. And we are keeping up the fight for wolves, victims of shooting all year round. Join us and sign our petition!
Victory by forfeit! In the face of the outcry caused by his decision to authorize the killing of stray dogs, the Prefect of the Haute-Vienne department has rescinded his decree, even before the hearing scheduled for June 26 at the Limoges administrative court. This comes as a relief to all the inhabitants of the villages concerned, who will no longer have to fear that their animal will be killed for getting too close to a herd. Following the annulment of the Aveyron prefect’s decree by the courts a few weeks ago, this is a clear signal sent to the authorities!
The hearing against the Haute-Vienne prefect’s decree allowing the culling of stray dogs will take place on June 26 at 2pm at the Limoges administrative court. We will be present to demand the suspension of this decision.