Samba — the eternal exploitation of a circus elephant
In the last few days, the Cirque d'Europe was in Goussainville where one of our investigators had returned to see Samba.
We have been following the Cirque d’Europe for more than twenty years, to protect Samba. This autumn, it was reported to us as sometimes being in Salouël, sometimes in Mouroux, or even in Malesherbs… More recently, in mid-February, we noticed it in Marolles-en-Hurepoix, then in Goussainville in the last few days, where one of our investigators visited. He filmed the elephant, when she was not hidden by the circus staff.
On 14 March 2022, the Cirque d’Europe had then parked their lorries and camper vans in Foussainville, as they have done for years, and as another ten or so other circuses do. The town does not seem very vigilant of the misery of the animals subjected to travelling and training, so it is a key stop-off for circus performers…
Samba, always hidden away
As they do every time, the employees of trainer Max Aucante position the lorries in such a way as to hide the maximum amount of the animals, and in particular Samba of course. Animal advocates should not be able to film her.
A fight lasting over twenty years, led for Samba by One Voice teams
In the spring of last year, the appeal hearing of our summons of the prefect of Bouches-du-Rhône took place to obtain the withdrawal of the circus’ opening licence. The Court of Appeal did not rule in our favour… but we have not stopped the fight despite this.
In January, we reached out to the Ministry of the Ecological Transition with a letter explaining for the umpteenth time how appalling Samba’s life is and how she is inevitably suffering in such conditions. We demanded that the Minster intervene for her to finally be put into a sanctuary.
Because it has been more than twenty years that One Voice has been defending this elephant… and we will never stop. She should be at Elephant Haven where, since our participation in this wonderful project back when it started, a place is waiting for her. This sanctuary awaits only her. Samba will be able to live there in semi-freedom, far from the lorries, the stares, sticks, being hit with a cattle prod, and from forced isolation.
Is the Ministry of the Ecological Transition’s policy to let circus performers have all captive animals in French circuses? To let them send them abroad? The legislative decree of the 30 November 2021 law relating to circus animals is still not published (this is not the only one)! This certainly allows the government to claim victory even though their exploitation will continue outside of France until death ensues… (there is no doubt that there would then be no need for a law and for decrees). Out of sight, out of mind… but not for us!
Translated from the French by Joely Justice