Reinforced defense shots against wolves illegally extended: One Voice confronts the Alpes-Maritimes prefect!
At the beginning of January 2025, the Prefect of the Alpes-Maritimes region extended the deadline for killing wolves in the department by extending the reinforced defense shooting permits of six livestock farmers. All without deigning to check that their situation still met the conditions for maintaining these shots with a tenfold effect. On February 26 at 8.45am*, we will be asking the Nice administrative court to suspend these texts, which we believe are blatantly illegal.
In France, any excuse is good for facilitating the extermination of wolves: from the irresponsible government’s position that cattle herds cannot be protected, to the numerous illegal decrees issued by prefects! The Alpes-Maritimes prefect is no exception, renewing for 2025 the reinforced defense shooting authorizations granted to six farmers in 2024. The problem? Apart from his perpetual wolf-bashing, he didn’t see fit to check that the conditions for extending these texts were still in place. And yet, the law requires it!
A prefect who issues shootings indiscriminately, flouting the law
The prefect of the Alpes-Maritimes region no longer even bothers to do his job. He is supposed to re-examine the particular situation of the beneficiaries before once again allowing them to shoot wolves from all sides: literally up to 10 shooters can target at the same time those unfortunate enough to venture near the farm animals.
Worse still, the prefect doesn’t care about the rigor required for derogations to the (still) strict protection of species. Indeed, he has not even made the effort to write specific recitals for each beneficiary: the decrees are virtually identical!
Over-indulgent with breeders and quick to harm wolves, he limited himself to a general affirmation of the implementation of protective means, without checking their effectiveness as it was his duty to do before extending the death warrants for wolf cubs and their families for the year 2025.
Progressive, gradual killing: wolves’ lives illegally taken
Those “likely” to attack the herds (which are then led to the slaughterhouse without the tears or cries of their owners) are supposedly killed gradually: first “gently” (euphemism) with three simultaneous shooters, then “violently” by mobilizing the equivalent of a combat group to assault them with gunfire. After all, wolves are still a protected species, and the last thing we need is to give the impression that the public services are out to get them. That’s a likely story!
As the Prefect of the Alpes-Maritimes region is abusing his position, it is urgent to suspend the effects of these orders. When the judge grants us a hearing to overturn them, it will be too late for the wolves already killed because of irresponsible decrees! Let’s not allow the massacre of animals that are precious in their own right, and that have their rightful place in nature in fact as well as in the eyes of the majority of French people.
To put an end to the abominations suffered by wolves, sign our petition!
*Our hearing originally scheduled for Wednesday February 26 has been moved by the Nice Administrative Court to Friday February 28 at 9:30 am. We’ll be there for the wolves!