For those who don’t count ...

For those who don’t count ...

Animal testing
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France still didn't publish the official figures about animal experiments. We will fil a complaint to the European institutions for non compliance with the directive 2010/63 and violation of its article 54.

Europe requires its member states to publish annual data on the volume of animals being tested. For without quantifying its victims, science could kill without counting. This is unfortunately the case … So, action !

2015, the European Commission wrote: “Animal testing should be
phased out. This is the ultimate purpose of EU legislation …
“. Without numbers, which places the victims in a real black hole,
how do they measure progress? This posture is untenable for One Voice
and citizens who no longer want these procedures, nor the opacity
that surrounds them.

Obligations not respected

to Article 54 of the European Directive on the protection of animals
used for scientific purposes, as any Member State, France must
publish each year figures on its progress towards the abandonment of
animal testing
. Problem is: the latest statistics from the
Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation dated from
2016! In recent years, the Ministry also recalled that because of
transitional measures (until the end of 2017), any comparison with
previous figures would be inappropriate until 2018. Well ok, we
waited and are now in 2019, So, when? Updated, consolidated, legible
and in line with the statistical formats of the European Union?

should have been more than one year of fertile figures quantifying
the real level of victims of animal testing in France and Europe
The European Union’s last
report on the subject dates back to 2013 and is expected to be five
years old. We think about the exact balance of the REACH Regulation,
governing the use of chemicals in Europe. We also think about the use
of animal testing that could explode because of this regulation
through the testing of products for registration, required until May

Without transparency, we are lying

Voice has been constantly asking for the truth and updated statistics
on animal testing in France, by many means of appeal: letters to the
ministry, the last dating from November 2018, but also, in the
absence of response, appeal before Administrative Records Access
Commission (CADA). This time, the cup is full and we will file a
complaint to the European institutions
for noncompliance with the
directive 2010/63 and violation of its article 54.

to flout the rules or to modify the perimeters to dilute the reality,
if our virtuous science has really taken the measure of legislation
(that is to quantify the number of its victims) and the spirit of its
letter (to reduce this number) Then, where are the numbers ?

fear the worst ! The latest figures from the European Union,
consolidated on 2011 data, say that about 11.5 million animals are
killed per year in European laboratories. In France (2016 figures),
there are more than 1.9 million animals. If in 2019 these numbers are
not lower, citizens will know that it’s wishful thinking, ensuring
that science is working to reduce this massacre is all but lies. It’s
a joke. But should these figures be published !

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