No more persecuting animals during lockdown!
Numerous prefectoral decrees have been published authorising hunting during lockdown. One Voice is challenging around twenty of them.
Just after we went back into lockdown numerous prefectoral decrees began to be published. One Voice is making urgent applications to get around twenty of them suspended in the departments concerned in order to save as many animals as possible.
The day after the second lockdown began the Ministry of Ecology authorised many prefectures to grant the wish of organised groups of hunters to continue their massacres in forests, whilst those same forests are out of bounds to those who wish to exercise in the fresh air and amongst nature, to families and even to individuals picking mushrooms. Apparently the health regulations don’t bother them. Nor does the fate of their neighbours and friends.
But the “regulated hunting” mentioned, in contrast to “leisure hunting”, has no meaning in French law: only the latter exists. It is only thanks to the ceaseless work of animal activists and to public support that it can be stopped.
In fact the decrees we are challenging are problematic because as usual the arguments put forward by the hunters and reiterated by the prefectures, in particular the “damage” said to be caused by animals, are fallacious and totally questionable.
We are applying for the decrees to be set aside and for hunting to be suspended in the following departments. The hearing dates will be added as soon as we hear from the various administrative courts (AC).
8 – In Ardennes, hearing at 14.00 on 01/12/20 at the Châlons-en-Champagne AC
16 – In Charente, hearing at 15.30 on 9/12/20 at the Poitiers AC
24 – In Dordogne
32 – In Gers, hearing at 15.00 on 9/12/20 at the Pau AC
34 – In Hérault
37 – In Indre-et-Loire
41 – In Loir-et-Cher, hearing at 10.00 on 4/12/20 at the Orléans AC
44 – In Loire-Atlantique, hearing at 14.00 on 26/11/20 at the Nantes AC
49 – In Maine-et-Loire, hearing at 14.00 on 26/11/20 at the Nantes AC
53 – In Mayenne, hearing at 14.00 on 26/11/20 at the Nantes AC
54 – In Meurthe-et-Moselle
57 – In Moselle
62 – In Pas-de-Calais, hearing at 14.00 on 27/11/20 at the Lille AC
64 – In Pyrénées-Atlantiques
66 – In Pyrénées-Orientales
68 – In Haut-Rhin, hearing at 11.00 on 25/11/2020 at the Strasbourg AC
70 – In Haute-Saône
80 – In Somme, hearing at 15.30 on 3/12/2020 at the Amiens AC
81 – In Tarn
87 – In Haute-Vienne, hearing at 14.30 on 25/11/20 at the Limoges AC
88 – In Vosges
90 – In Belfort, hearing at 10.00 on 27/11/2020 at the Besançon AC
Translated from the French by Patricia Fairey