A canine resembling a wolf has been found dead, choked by a neck snare, at the beginning of March.
Archives: News
Declaration from the #RestoreNature signatories
We, 207 citizens’ organisations, are calling on all member states to urgently pass a strict law on restoring nature, adapted to the fight against the twofold problem of the biodiversity and climate crises.
Kiska, an orca born free and dying without ever having seen the sea again
One Voice is reporting on the hell of dolphinariums and paying tribute to Kiska, the last orca at MarineLand Canada, who died on 9 March 2023.
The reality for laboratory animals in France: behind a torrent of figures
Yet more animals and more suffering: One Voice presents the data from the 2021 ministry files on animal testing.
More than 1.7 million EU citizens are calling for the closure of animal fur farms and an end to the fur trade
The Fur Free Europe European Citizens’ Initiative has ended earlier than expected after having won the support of more than 1.7 million EU citizens. Now it is time for the European Commission to act and to ban this barbaric practice in the whole of the European Union.
In March, One Voice is rallying for the wolves
To put an end to wolf massacres, One Voice activists are rallying throughout France during the weekends in March.
The bird poacher has been convicted! One Voice triumphant
The Toulon Tribunal’s deliberation on the case of the bird poacher was given yesterday, 27 February 2023. They agreed with One Voice.
Persecution of captive wild animals sanctioned by the State Council
One Voice has obtained a partial cancellation of the 29 March 2021 decree setting the general rules for keeping non-domestic animal species.
The Bargy ibex killed in 2019: the legal system rules in One Voice’s favour at the appeal
The Haute-Savoie Prefectural decree of 2019 authorising the slaughter of ibex in Bargy, challenged by One Voice, has been cancelled.
Nouveau Cirque Triomphe’s sleight of hand tricks partly condemned by the legal system
Stéphane Gougeon, a trainer from the Nouveau Cirque Triomphe, convicted in the case of Tarzan the lion; the taxidermist’s case has been closed without any further action.