Digging up badgers: legal victories… and prefecture shenanigans!

Digging up badgers: legal victories… and prefecture shenanigans!

Digging up badgers: legal victories… and prefecture shenanigans!
Digging up badgers: legal victories… and prefecture shenanigans!

Thousands of badgers saved thanks to our emergency procedures, dozens of decrees declared definitively illegal by the courts… and panic on the part of hunters and prefectures! As the last hearings of the season approach and the victories multiply, the hunters and the authorities are looking for every possible way to keep this cruel pastime alive. Here’s an example from the Haute-Marne department, where the prefecture is more interested in defending hunters than in respecting animals and the law.

2024: another emergency suspension, more than 4,000 badgers saved

In the Deux-Sèvres department, we intervened with a real associative front: together with AVES, ASPAS, LPO, Deux-Sèvres Nature Environment and Veterinarians for Biodiversity, we obtained from the court the suspension of the digging a few days after its opening.

A logical decision, given that the prefecture had acknowledged that “during the supplementary period […] almost all the young are taken“! And this at a time when we have obtained confirmation from the State Council that it is forbidden to kill young badgers

In all, over 4,000 individuals were saved by our actions in 2024. And, department by department, after the emergency, the courts are confirming the illegality of this cruel hunt in spring and summer: in Charente-Maritime and Vienne (where we were attacking with the LPO and Vienne Nature), the 2023 authorizations have just been definitively annulled. A new hearing will take place on September 6 at 10:30 a.m. at the Rouen administrative court for the Eure department (with AVES, FNE Normandie and LPO Normandie).

In the Haute-Marne department, scheming that won’t go down well!

We know that prefectures will do anything to allow hunters to continue killing badgers, who are systematically accused of all evils. Even if it means opening giant administrative beat hunts, as in the Ain department, where we have counter-attacked, or simply trampling on a court ruling, as in Haute-Marne.

In this department, in April 2024, the Châlons-en-Champagne administrative court ruled in our favor, definitively canceling the supplementary period scheduled from May 15, 2024 to September 14, 2024. The prefecture then rushed to prepare the adoption of a new decree, authorizing a complementary period from June 1… but this decree was never published! We now understand why: in the middle of summer, an authorization has just been issued for a supplementary period from August 1 to September 15.

This behavior on the part of the Haute-Marne prefect is unacceptable on three counts: it illustrates a senseless attack on animals, the shameless violation of a court ruling, and a maneuver in the sole interest of hunters, far removed from the defense of the general interest. With AVES and ASPAS, we attack this decree, and solemnly denounce this behavior!

Speak up for badgers with us! Sign our petitions for their protection, a ban on digging up badgers and a radical reform of the hunting system!

Turtle-dove hunting: a moratorium is good, a ban is better!

Turtle-dove hunting: a moratorium is good, a ban is better!

Turtle-dove hunting: a moratorium is good, a ban is better!
Turtle-dove hunting: a moratorium is good, a ban is better!

Thanks to our long-standing fight for turtle doves, every year the government adopts a suspension of their hunting. For the 2024-2025 season, we invite you to participate massively in the public consultation organized by the Ministry. We call on you to support this solution, which gives respite to the thousands of birds that would have perished under hunters’ shotgun pellets… while reminding the government that this measure is not enough: we are now calling for their outright removal from the list of huntable species.

A long-term battle for turtle doves

As early as 2020, we were alerting public opinion to the fate of these birds on the brink of extinction, classified as “vulnerable” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. For them, the threats are everywhere: disappearance of their habitats, noise pollution… not to mention hunters who, until 2020, were killing nearly 17,500 individuals every year. 

With the LPO, we therefore launched an appeal against these unacceptable authorizations, and in 2020 obtained their emergency suspension by the French State Council. Convinced by our arguments, the judges were particularly severe with the State: small steps were insufficient, and only a moratorium could be envisaged. A landmark victory that saved thousands of birds!

For an outright ban on turtle-dove hunting

Since then, the State has suspended their slaughter every year. The Ministry of Ecological Transition has just opened the public consultation on the decree relating to the 2024-2025 season: we invite you to massively voice your support for this proposal! 

In particular, you can point out that turtle doves are in a very worrying state of conservation, and that their populations are declining due to climate change, habitat destruction and numerous other anthropogenic pressures, notably agriculture.

Killing animals for pleasure at a time when biodiversity is collapsing is no longer an option. At a time when France holds the European record for the number of species that can be killed, it’s high time to step up a gear and demand a radical reform of hunting!

Incitement to poach wolves: Coordination Rurale 87 has gone too far!

Incitement to poach wolves: Coordination Rurale 87 has gone too far!

Incitement to poach wolves: Coordination Rurale 87 has gone too far!
Incitement to poach wolves: Coordination Rurale 87 has gone too far!

On July 26, the Coordination Rurale de Haute-Vienne (CR 87) syndicate shamelessly announced that it would be offering 1,000 euros to anyone bringing in dead wolves. An incitement to commit offenses against a protected species. For every animal killed, we will take legal action against the shooters and this lobby for complicity.

We have served formal notice on the syndicate, asking it to withdraw its publications and reminding it of the penalties incurred. We have also asked the prefecture to take a stand and not allow illegality to take root on its territory.

A farmer’s lobby with a track record 

Back in 2021, this group proclaimed loud and clear: In Haute-Vienne, we have lead and poison, and we’ll manage this ourselves! But in France, incitement to poaching is punishable only if it is followed by action… The opponents can therefore continue to parade around and incite people to commit crimes, as they have just done.

These activists are no strangers to intimidation. Last October, when our activists were running an awareness-raising stand in Limoges to inform the public about wolves, the CR 87 called for a demonstration to ban our educational action. So freedom of expression only exists for anti-wolf breeders.

The Coordination Rurale has crossed the line. They are ashamed of nothing. They want to empty nature of its biodiversity so they can continue to exploit animals for maximum profit. These subsidy-fed farmers don’t care about our children’s heritage, as long as they make money. Muriel Arnal President of One Voice

Financial aid isn’t enough: they want the wolves to die!

Let’s not forget that these same farmers already receive public funding to buy and install protection for their flocks (which is highly effective if installed). And who cares if they don’t do it properly, they’re still compensated.

Opposition is so strong in this department that a campaign to slaughter stray dogs was even launched in May, proof that the authorities are prepared to do anything rather than impose this effective means of healthy and sustainable cohabitation. We immediately attacked the decree, which was repealed before the hearing at the Limoges administrative court.

For every wolf illegally killed, we will not hesitate to take the poachers and the Coordination Rurale to court. We would also point out that, while the latter promises 1,000 euros for each corpse, the law guarantees up to three years’ imprisonment and a 150,000 euro fine.

Novillada of Beaucaire: unspeakable suffering for a young bull

Novillada of Beaucaire: unspeakable suffering for a young bull

Novillada of Beaucaire: unspeakable suffering for a young bull
Novillada of Beaucaire: unspeakable suffering for a young bull

Torturing an animal for hours before killing them in the name of “spectacle”: when it comes to horror, we thought bullfighting could go no further. But a new threshold was passed in Beaucaire, during a “novillada”. 30 minutes of violence against a cornered animal. Faced with these images, obtained thanks to our partner Futur Asso, we call on everyone, more than ever, to mobilize to voice their opposition to this barbaric and archaic practice.

For the young bull from Beaucaire, a never-ending torture session

Saturday, July 27th. The bullring of Beaucaire, in the Gard region, is packed with spectators who have come to witness the torture of a young bull as part of a “novillada”, a medieval initiation ceremony for young bullfighters.

The animal is about to go through hell. For thirty minutes, the sadism unleashed on him is unspeakable: stab wounds to the back of the head, banderillas planted in the neck, all by bullfighters who have left the arena, hidden behind an impassable wall. He coughs up blood, chokes, and finally dies to the whistles of an audience that finds the show “boring” …..

When they learned that a video was circulating, aficionados did everything in their power to prevent its publication. Faced with the outcry, they are now trying to convince us that this novillada was an exception. We say it loud and clear: these images are not! Bullfighting has always been, is and will remain no more and no less than a hobby of torture based on the desire to cause cruel suffering to a sensitive animal, and one of the most peaceful of all.

Accustoming and training children to violence: we say stop!

There were undoubtedly children in the arena. Despite our requests, they are still able to witness these scenes of extreme cruelty. The bullfighters themselves were barely adults, but had long been conditioned to slaughter animals in the name of tradition.

One Voice infiltrated bullfighting schools in 2012 and 2019, and the findings are indeed stark.

The children are clumsy, some don’t want to be there, all are forced to perpetrate acts of cruelty. What kind of adults will they become after being immersed in such glorified, encouraged violence? Watching older teenagers indulge in bullfighting is chilling for their future. Muriel Arnal President of One Voice

What future is there for a society that turns its children into torturers in the name of tradition? Who lets hundreds of people revel in the ordeal of an animal whose fate is sealed before this pseudo-“fight” even begins? In the United States, the FBI keeps a file of individuals who comment on acts of animal torture. Because its agents know that such violence carries the seeds of violence against humans.

For the bull in Beaucaire bullring and for all the others, for our children and the future of our society, we call more than ever for an end to bullfighting!


Bears in the Haute-Garonne department: against the prefect’s maneuvers, we attack!

Bears in the Haute-Garonne department: against the prefect’s maneuvers, we attack!

Bears in the Haute-Garonne department: against the prefect’s maneuvers, we attack!
Bears in the Haute-Garonne department: against the prefect’s maneuvers, we attack!

For years, we’ve been alerting public opinion to the consequences of bear scare shots. Yet the State seems determined not to heed our warnings: not only are these operations multiplying, but prefects are doing everything they can to prevent us from attacking them. This month, the prefect of Haute-Garonne issued three such decrees. What’s special about them? The measures are in force for very short periods – 48 to 72 hours – and the authorizations are published very late. The aim is clear: to prevent bear defenders from taking legal action to protect the bears.


On July 30, we urgently referred to the Toulouse administrative court to put an end to these reprehensible practices. We are asking the judge to order the Haute-Garonne prefecture to publish its decrees before they come into force, as is the rule. The hearing will take place this Friday, August 2 at 9:30 am.

For the State: reintroduce bears to better abuse them?

A few years ago, bears had all but disappeared from French mountains. After reintroducing them with great fanfare, the State now seems determined to make life impossible for them. While their numbers are still insufficient to ensure the viability of the species, they are regularly targeted by scare shots.

Stress during the breeding season, abortions, separation of the young from their mothers: these operations represent a real threat. That’s why we systematically attack them! In 2022 and 2023, our emergency actions in the Ariège department led to the suspension of shooting.

Adapting to the prefects’ maneuvers by any means necessary

When it comes to killing animals, we’re used to having to adapt to the most unfair strategies adopted by hunters and State representatives.

In 2022, the Prefect of Ariège had no hesitation in issuing new illegal orders despite the judge’s suspension of all nine orders. Our arguments were successful, three times in a row. The following year, she began a trend of making shooting authorizations public… just a few hours before they were due to take place. We were therefore obliged to mobilize an exceptional procedure, enabling us to bring the matter before the judge very quickly, which once again bore fruit.

This year, it’s the turn of the Prefect of Haute-Garonne to use this stratagem, with even less shame. Three decrees were published on July 10, 17 and 30… a few hours before the end of operations, leaving us no opportunity to defend the bears. If scare shots are so necessary and important, as the prefectures claim, why adopt such short-lived orders, if not to prevent them from being contested?

We have once again urgently referred to the Toulouse administrative court to force the Prefect of Haute-Garonne to publish his orders sufficiently in advance for us to be able to contest them and thus protect the bears. The hearing will take place this Friday, August 2 at 9:30 am.

Badgers: in the Ain region, no to administrative beat hunts to replace digging up!

Badgers: in the Ain region, no to administrative beat hunts to replace digging up!

Badgers: in the Ain region, no to administrative beat hunts to replace digging up!
Badgers: in the Ain region, no to administrative beat hunts to replace digging up!

Our legal actions are bearing fruit: everywhere in France, the supplementary periods of underground hunting have been suspended. But as we anticipated, the prefectures are adapting to continue pleasing the hunters, by allowing more and more massive administrative beats against badgers. In the Ain region, for example, the prefect has just authorized the lieutenants of louveterie and pests, accompanied by the hunters of their choice, to crack down throughout the region… for more than 7 months, even outside the hunting season! A way of avoiding having to publish a decree for each operation, and of preventing us from taking legal action… We are challenging this decree.

Prefects and hunters adapt… so can we!

After a record-breaking 2023 season against spring and summer digging, the successes continue in 2024, with numerous suspensions across France and nearly 4,000 animals saved. More than ever, this practice to which hunters are so attached, and whose cruelty we demonstrated thanks to our undercover investigation, is in the hot seat. And they seem to be panicking!

We knew they’d react, once again with the support of the State. In the last few weeks, we think we know how: in several regions, prefects have adopted decrees authorizing administrative beat hunts against badgers. Thousands of animals could be killed by lieutenants of louveterie and pests! But we’ve been expecting this reaction, and we’re ready to attack these decrees.

Administrative beat hunts often illegal, always unacceptable!

In the Ain region, the prefect has “offered” a giant administrative beat hunt, covering the whole region for almost 7 months. By authorizing these massacres over an extended period, the authorities are distorting the purpose of these measures, which are supposed to be reserved for exceptional cases, but which are unfortunately becoming the norm. Even though they are often illegal, as our recent victory for the foxes in the Nièvre region shows.

As usual, to justify killing animals, the authorities accuse them of all kinds of evil. And as usual, the prefect doesn’t put forward a single piece of data to justify her decree: nothing about agricultural damage, nothing about infrastructure damage! In short, killing on the basis of lies, in response to pressure from hunters.

These decisions not only flout the legal framework, but are also ethically unacceptable. A few days after having challenged 12 decrees issued by the Prefect of the Indre-et-Loire region targeting foxes, we are once again going to court! To support this fight, sign our petition for a radical reform of hunting.

When prefects gag judges, animals pay the price! We’re going to court!

When prefects gag judges, animals pay the price! We’re going to court!

When prefects gag judges, animals pay the price! We’re going to court!
When prefects gag judges, animals pay the price! We’re going to court!

From traditional bird hunting to the underground hunting of badgers, by way of derogations to scare and kill animals of protected species, our legal actions save thousands of lives every year. But as always, the authorities know how to use their boundless imagination to put obstacles in our way. So we’ve decided to tackle the particularly unfair ploy of prefectures to publish animal-targeted decrees after they’ve come into force. We have lodged an appeal with the French State Council and launched new proceedings today.

To protect them, every minute counts. Once the decree has been issued, even under emergency procedures, it is difficult to obtain hearings for at least ten days. In the meantime, hunters have plenty of time to kill with impunity.

Prefectures that publish their orders….. after the animals have died!

In some departments, prefectures have got into the habit of publishing decisions the day before they come into force, or even… several days later! In Indre-et-Loire, for example, in June 2024 the prefect issued twelve deeds authorizing an administrative fox beat hunt… in the month of May! We took the matter to court all the same, but it was impossible for us to prevent the massacre, even though the administrative beat hunts were illegal. In Ariège, in 2023, we challenged the decrees authorizing the scaring of bears, which are regularly made public after the start of operations, which last only a few days… Just like in the Haute-Garonne department, where the prefect issued three decrees this month, deliberately published late. The aim of this unfair strategy is clear: to prevent bear defenders from challenging prefectoral measures. We have taken urgent legal action to put an end to these fraudulent maneuvers.

As soon as January 2023, we launched a legal action against the Pyrénées-Orientales prefecture. Our aim: to have this practice recognized as illegal. In dozens of other departments, decisions permitting the killing of animals are still made public far too late.

To combat these discreetly committed massacres, we are taking our case to the French State Council.

Even though the law is already largely favorable to hunters, allowing them to kill without limit all year round, including through cruel practices such as digging up, it is all the more intolerable to prevent our action. Because once the decrees have taken effect, the badgers, foxes, birds, etc. (the list goes on and on) are dead, and no court decision can bring them back to life.

The shenanigans have gone on long enough! In January 2023, we asked the Prime Minister and the Minister of Ecological Transition to ensure that the law was respected. After several months of waiting, and in the absence of any response from them, we referred the matter to the French State Council. Our demands are clear: that the government respect the law, so that we can, whenever necessary, go to court to save lives.

To support this fight, sign our petition for a radical reform of hunting!

In the space of a month and a half, 1,579,793 animals were included in experimental projects in France.

In the space of a month and a half, 1,579,793 animals were included in experimental projects in France.

In the space of a month and a half, 1,579,793 animals were included in experimental projects in France.
In the space of a month and a half, 1,579,793 animals were included in experimental projects in France.
Animal testing

The French government persists with remarkable constancy in giving its approval to projects that may be linked to research (fundamental and applied), or to regulatory and toxicological testing, causing the terrible suffering and death of many animals. Between June 5 and July 23, 1,579,793 of them were involved… We are calling for awareness to bring about a change in practices. For this, we need your help!

The transition to an animal-free science is overwhelmingly supported by the French (Ipsos/One Voice poll April 2023), by nearly 150 European scientists from 19 member states, by European elected representatives in 2010 and 2023, and by French parliamentarians.

Yet, in the space of a month and a half, 1,469,969 mice, 48,505 rats, 422 dogs, 336 cats, 91 monkeys, 71 horses, 2,128 pigs, 1,595 guinea pigs, 36,422 fish, 10,836 birds, seals, lizards, rabbits, marmots etc., will be experimented on and then, for almost all of them, killed because their condition will not allow them to be kept alive. This is the reality of animal experimentation in France: animals of all species are involved, and their numbers are not decreasing. 

For example, monkeys will undergo surgeries to implant electrodes in their brains delivering different intensities of electric current before inducing Parkinson’s syndrome, or total body irradiation accompanied by daily administration of drugs that cause gastro-intestinal disorders with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and digestive bleeding. All these projects involve severe pain.   

Dogs and cats will also be used for the administration of pharmaceutical substances, or the voluntary induction of nausea and vomiting with injections of products that can lead to respiratory depression, bradycardia and a drop in body temperature, or toxicological tests leading to the death of the animals. 

As for pigs, the vast majority undergo experiments generating severe pain: repeated heart attacks, spinal cord lesions preventing movement or urination and causing terrible suffering, implantation of deliberately infected aortic prostheses, destruction of bone marrow cells involving nausea, vomiting, headaches, septicemia and pain, cardio-respiratory arrests, interruption of arterial circulation, as well as being used in the training of professionals performing coelioscopies and other non-detailed surgeries.  

Finally, small herbivores, which are always the most exploited, represent around 96% of all animals tested during this period, or 1,521,939 individuals

Each project is classified into three levels of severity: mild, moderate and severe. When experimental procedures are classified as severe, animals are likely to experience intense pain, suffering or distress. Here are a few examples:  

  • 3,120 rats will undergo several surgeries to induce a severe ischemic stroke, and will be subjected to numerous behavioral tests. They will have great difficulty in moving, hydrating and feeding themselves, and will endure significant pain in the brain.
  • As part of a study on child abuse, 2,464 baby mice will be exposed to a number of experiments. To reproduce the “shaken baby” syndrome, they will undergo a shaking procedure, and to reproduce “maternal neglect”, they will be separated from their mothers for several hours a day.
  • 9,500 mice and 2,400 rats will be subjected to colitis induction. They will suffer severe pain and fall into prostration.  
  • 12,670 mice will be infected with bacteria, resulting in fever, weight loss and prostration, all of which will prove fatal.
  • Several hundred mice already lacking an immune system will be irradiated and then injected with human blood cells.  
  • 276 newborn mice will undergo brain surgery to implant electrodes and a head bar.
  • 1,100 young rats will endure numerous injections and surgeries, and will be plunged into status epilepticus for several hours. In another project, 1,332 mice will undergo 1 to 5 epileptic seizures a day.
  • Inducing a respiratory infection in 3,390 mice and not giving them any pain-relieving treatments, as this would “confound the evaluation of the efficacy of therapeutic strategies and the understanding of the associated inflammatory/immune mechanisms”.
  • 578 mice will be subjected to several injections and surgeries, leading to progressive paralysis and death.
  • As part of a study on depression, 1,500 mice will experience different types of stress on a daily basis for eight weeks, through various behavioral tests: olfactory, social, restraint and environmental stress, etc.  
  • 5,600 mice will undergo numerous injections, including tumor cell implantation, which will result in pain, loss of mobility and weight loss. 

Here are a few examples of projects of moderate severity

  • 119,170 mice will undergo ear, tail and/or blood sampling.
  • As part of a study on tuberculosis, 23,295 mice will be infected with the disease and then treated. In the acute form of the infection, they may suffer from weight loss, reduced general condition, prostration and alopecia.
  • Following a technical problem (material had not been delivered), some mice, having exceeded the age required for the project, were killed and replaced by others… to receive numerous injections and undergo a test designed to place them on a hot plate.
  • Before being euthanized, 2,500 mice will undergo an injection of cancer cells into the bladder, resulting in weight loss, prostration and an inability to urinate or eat. 
  • 1,136 mice will be subjected to tumor implantation and oral administration of fecal matter…

We therefore demand that laboratories systematically give priority to alternative methods when available, as required by law. We also encourage professionals to train in animal-free testing techniques. In addition, we urge our political representatives to support significantly increased funding for research into alternative methods. 

To put an end to these revolting methods, which have largely had its days, join us in calling for an end to animal experimentation, and write to the Minister of Higher Education and Research: download the standard letter.

Administrative fox beat hunts in the Indre-et-Loire department: One Voice attacks 12 prefectoral decrees

Administrative fox beat hunts in the Indre-et-Loire department: One Voice attacks 12 prefectoral decrees

Administrative fox beat hunts in the Indre-et-Loire department: One Voice attacks 12 prefectoral decrees
Administrative fox beat hunts in the Indre-et-Loire department: One Voice attacks 12 prefectoral decrees

Between June 7 and July 9, 2024, the Prefect of Indre-et-Loire published 12 prefectoral decrees authorizing administrative fox beat hunts… several days after the operations. One Voice strongly condemns the harassment suffered by these animals and the illegal strategies employed by the State to prevent us from taking legal action. We are taking the decrees to the Orléans administrative court.

Killing foxes is one of the favorite activities of hunters, as they can indulge in it all year round and by any means, even the most cruel. And, as always, they can count on the State’s support to facilitate their hobby. Every year, they slaughter hundreds of thousands of foxes. And since rifle shooting is a bit monotonous, they also kill them as part of underground hunting, a horror we documented as part of our undercover investigation. As for the classification of foxes as ‘species likely to cause damage’ – which we attacked – it allows landowners to have them killed everywhere and (almost) all the time. 

But of course, all this is not enough for them: when all these possibilities are closed, there’s always the administrative beat hunts. After the Nièvre department, where we won our case in court, the prefect of Indre-et-Loire adopted no less than 12 decrees between June and July. While these decisions should be backed up by precise, detailed reasons, there’s nothing like that here. All in all, the State representative merely states that foxes are causing damage… As always, no data, no figures.

When the State hinders the action of associations

The scandal doesn’t stop there. As is often the case with administrative beat hunts, these orders were systematically published after the animals had been killed. It’s a strategy we’re all familiar with, designed to prevent any urgent challenge before the courts. So the animals have already been slaughtered by the time we can read about the orders. No harm seen, no harm done ! It’s high time we put a stop to these outrageous strategies.

As well as being valuable in their own right, foxes play a crucial role in the ecosystem, regulating populations of rodents and other small animals and limiting the spread of certain diseases. Their elimination jeopardizes fragile balances and has serious consequences for agriculture itself. Nothing will ever justify their being subjected to the vindictiveness of hunters.

For all these reasons, we are challenging the decisions of the Indre-et-Loire prefect. To speak up for foxes against those who want to eradicate them, sign our petitions to remove them from the ‘species likely to cause damage’ list and for a radical reform of hunting!

Underground hunting: in 2024, over 4,000 badgers already saved!

Underground hunting: in 2024, over 4,000 badgers already saved!

Underground hunting: in 2024, over 4,000 badgers already saved!
Underground hunting: in 2024, over 4,000 badgers already saved!

As in 2023, there’s a flurry of legal victories for badgers! Since the opening of the supplementary underground hunting periods on May 15, our appeals have led to the emergency suspension of this cruel hunt in no less than 13 departments, sparing more than 4,200 individuals. Meanwhile, little by little, the courts are definitively annulling the decrees adopted in 2023. With just a few days to go before the last hearings of the season, pressure has never been so strong on the State and hunters to put an end to this outdated practice!

Since the beginning of spring, thousands of individuals have been saved from the diggers’ shovels!

The latest victories: in the Eure-et-Loir, Haute-Vienne and Ille-et-Vilaine departments. While the diggers were preparing their shovels to track down and kill over 1,000 badgers (150, 700 and 200 respectively) for hours on end, our mobilization, with our partners ASPAS and AVES, once again bore fruit. The young badgers, only a few months old and just starting to emerge from their burrows, can now spend the summer in peace!

Despite their relentlessness, the authorities can no longer ignore the clear message from the courts. In the Cher department, after two successive rulings in our favor, the prefecture was about to thumb its nose at justice and the general interest and authorize the digging up of badgers again… but finally gave up, just a few days before the planned opening!

6 new supplementary periods from 2023 definitively declared illegal!

The fight against underground hunting is a real long-distance race. After emergency rulings suspending dozens of 2023 orders, the courts are gradually handing down their final rulings in all these cases. The results are final! Puy-de-Dôme, Corrèze, Rhône, Essonne, Morbihan, Côtes-d’Armor… between botched procedures and recognition of the illegal harm caused to young badgers by this outdated practice, the courts are cutting the hunters’ pseudo-arguments to shreds!

More than ever, these decisions highlight the total collusion between the hunting world and State departments. Special mention should be made of the Morbihan prefecture, which was sanctioned by the court for having allowed the hunters themselves to draw up the documents justifying the opening of the hunt… The bigger it is, the more it (no longer) is acceptable!

The next step in our fight is clear: to put an end to this illegal practice once and for all! To do this, support us by signing our petition for a radical reform of hunting, and for a pure and simple ban on underground hunting!


Upcoming hearings : 

  • Deux-Sèvres (with AVES, ASPAS, LPO, Deux-Sèvres Nature Environnement and Vétérinaires pour la Biodiversité): July 22 at 3pm at the Poitiers administrative court;
  • Cantal (with AVES, ASPAS and LPO Aura) and Puy-de-Dôme (with AVES, ASPAS, LPO Aura, FNE Puy-de-Dôme and FNE AURA): July 26 at 9:30 am at the administrative court in Clermont-Ferrand;
  • Creuse and Corrèze (with AVES and ASPAS): August 2 at 11:30 am at the Limoges administrative court.

Orders suspended for the 2024 season (average number of badgers killed in previous seasons)

Allier (350)

Ardennes (90)

Aube (230)

Aveyron (300)

Calvados (200)

Cher (300)

Côtes-d’Armor (500)

Eure (500)

Eure-et-Loir (150)

Finistère (200)

Ille-et-Vilaine (200)

Morbihan (500)

Haute-Vienne (700)