One Voice’s national actions in March are calling for respect for wolves
In seventeen towns, One Voice activists are raising awareness of wolves among the public on 12, 13 and 19 March 2022.
After having been exterminated for centuries, wolves have come back to France but are struggling to surpass the vital threshold of 500 individuals. The State organises the slaughter of more than one hundred of them each year. One Voice has submitted a plea to the State Council every year to protect them. On Saturday 12 March (or Sunday 13 and Saturday 19 March for some events), in eighteen departments (see below), activists from the Association are raising public awareness of these united and sentient beings that are essential for our ecosystems.
Despite help from the State that compensates them, hunters and farmers pursue wolves even though their species is legally protected. Groups of armed poachers are even created to kill them. Lately, there is even an agricultural union that has called in two departments to massacre wolves. And each year, bodies are found. Last September, a hanged wolf was exhibited in front of a town hall… The Ministry for the Ecological Transition, under the ‘Wolf Plan’ framework, sets quotas for growing slaughterhouses year after year. Even this year, one in five wolves will be slaughtered, which is tragic for the individuals concerned, for the state of the packs in France, and ultimately constitutes a blow to the international regulations on biodiversity.
Unable to accept cohabiting with wild canines, farmers and hunters put pressure on the authorities to be able to massacre wolves. Why? They do not see them as predators of their own prey. And they only perceive nature and its inhabitants through the prism of the profit that they can make from it in the short term, instead of anticipating the future.
However, wolves are an integral part of our country’s biodiversity. They participate in its preservation as well as in that of our land and all have their place by our side. We must re-learn to tolerate these extremely intelligent, sentient and wise beings who deserve our respect. They have so much to teach us, namely on solidarity which is essential to them.
We refuse to have the rules dictated to our leaders by those few citizens who are hostile to the natural world. We demand that our leaders stop making regular breaches of international regulations for endangered species and definitively prohibit new culling.
Year after year, One Voice attacks the State Council on the decrees allowing the slaughter of more wolves. But even when the Association obtained the annulment of the decree and therefore the illegality of the shootings a posteriori, as the State Council decided again last year, wolves are dead and they only have themselves to blame. One Voice is fighting for them, for their existence, for the preservation of their habitat, for the restoration of their reputation. The petition launched by the Association has already gained over 69,000 signatures.
Our events are subject to change up until the last minute, due to weather or permission reasons. You can consult the event link before going. We update them live. |
Department |
Facebook Event |
Precise Location |
Time (and date if different to 12/03) |
74 |
Annecy |
65, rue Carnot |
2:30pm to 4:30pm |
60 |
Beauvais |
15, rue Carnot |
3:30pm to 5:00pm |
33 |
Bordeaux |
Place de la Comédie |
1:30pm to 4:30pm on 13 March |
05 |
Digne-les-Bains |
69, Boulevard Gassendi |
11:30am to 2:00pm on 13 March |
14 |
Falaise |
Place Belle-Croix |
8:00am to 11:00am |
17 |
La Rochelle |
Cours des Dames |
2:30pm to 4:00pm |
59 |
Lille |
Grand’Place |
Note: postponed to another date (blocked by heavy goods vehicles) |
69 |
Lyon |
Place Saint Jean |
2:30pm to 4:30pm on 13 March |
57 |
Metz |
64, Rue Serpenoise |
2:30pm to 4:00pm |
34 |
Montpellier |
Place de la Comédie, in the middle of the march on climate change. |
Note: postponed to 9 April due to torrential rain |
44 |
Nantes |
Place Royale |
3:30pm to 5:00pm |
06 |
Nice |
Place Garibaldi |
11:30am to 1:00pm |
75 |
Paris / Special event |
Nation NOTE: One Voice is joining the march organised by Voix des Loups [Voice for Wolves] which will re-join the march on climate change |
12:30pm to 4:30pm |
76 |
Rouen |
Place de la Calende |
2:30pm to 4:00pm |
67 |
Strasbourg |
Place du Corbeau |
2:00pm to 4:00pm |
37 |
Tours |
Place Jean Jaurès |
2:30pm to 4:00pm |
10 |
Troyes |
71, Rue Émile Zola |
3:30pm to 5:00pm on 19 March |
Translated from the French by Joely Justice