One Voice reveals images of mice subjected to the forced swim test in France
At Magendie Neurocentre, on the premises of the University of Bordeaux, mice are being forced to swim. The aim? To measure the time after which they give up all hope of living, with a view to studying the efficacy of molecules against depression, at a time when promising alternatives are largely under-funded. While INSERM put forward the most fallacious arguments to guarantee the laboratory’s opacity (such as the defense of “copyright”), our victory in court today enables us to reveal the images of these “tests”.
Forced swimming: despair on the menu
Once removed from their tiny, overcrowded cages and inoculated with the molecule whose efficacy is being measured, each mouse is plunged into a water-filled tube. They begin by swimming frantically to try and find a way out, unsuccessfully trying to find holds to climb against the smooth walls. After long minutes of intense stress and panic, exhausted, they give up.
Just two years ago, we published images of these tests carried out in the USA. Today, after a battle against the laboratory’s desire to maintain the omerta on these practices, we can state with certainty that mice in France are suffering the same fate.
Repeated malfunctions and constant suffering at the Magendie Neurocenter
In addition to the experiments, the animals held and the humans working there have to put up with numerous malfunctions at the facility: flooding and fire safety problems, tropical temperatures and humidity in the animal house… A few days ago, we demanded an immediate inspection! These revelations undoubtedly prompted the center to quickly send us the images of forced swimming…
At a time when European law requires, among other things, that the number of animals in laboratories be “reduced” and “replaced” as far as possible, and that experiments be “refined”, we demand that the authorities massively fund alternative methods! If, like three out of four French people, you are opposed to animal experimentation (IPSOS/One Voice 2023 poll), demand an end to these tests in France!