One Voice rally in front of the National Museum of Natural History to shut down its primate breeding facility for laboratories on October 9, 2021

One Voice rally in front of the National Museum of Natural History to shut down its primate breeding facility for laboratories on October 9, 2021

Animal testing
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On Saturday October 9 in Paris, One Voice is organizing a rally to demand the closure of the largest breeding facility for grey mouse lemurs for animal experimentation -that of the National Museum of Natural History. It will take place at Valhubert square from 1pm to 3pm, at the end of the Jardin des Plantes, facing the River Seine.

In our country, experiments are still carried out on primates. Worse still, France is Europe’s leading user of primates for laboratory purposes.

Five hundred grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus), tiny lemurs with big eyes, are bred in France for animal experimentation.

The National Museum of Natural History’s Brunoy facility (Essonne) is home to the world’s largest breeding facility for grey mouse lemurs, and offers its animals to scalpels. The Museum is even looking to expand!

So, once again, France stands out for its ferocious appetite for animal experimentation, on primates in particular, on the pretext that those ones are as easy to handle as mice, while sharing with humans a “more important heritage than conventional rodent models”. And it’s working hard to shine internationally in this domain.

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