One Voice in action on 9 June in Auxerre against the biggest French breeder of dogs that are destined for the laboratories
One Voice association lodged a complaint against the intensive
breeding of dogs in Mézilles in the department of Yonne. Saturday
June 9, from 2.00pm to 4.00pm, One Voice organizes a rally in front
of the prefecture of Auxerre to demand the closure of the CEDS, the
largest French dog breeding provider for laboratories. The same day
at 2.00pm a delegation will be received by the Chief of Staff of the
Prefect of Yonne.
Voice was authorized to use a bailiff who was able to undertake
findings in the ECSR on 24 May. Following his report, he lodged a
complaint against this farm for ill-treatment and lack of care. The
association also requires that all the dogs must be handed over to
the bailiff.
The breeder requires the Prefecture to endorse an increase in its capacity which is already effective
Breeding Centre of the Domaine des Souches (CEDS) is asking the State
for permission to expand its reception capacity, while it has already
exceeded the maximum capacity that is allowed.
A complaint for lack of care and ill-treatment
is apparent from the report of the bailiff that females are used for
breeding each time they are on heat until they are seven years old.
On that day, the keepers were clearly understaffed as the report
mentions only three keepers were on site. Only one keeper is there at
night, but does not watch the animals. So, when the females give
birth, how can they benefit from assistance or care in case of
complications? Once born, the puppies live locked up with their
mother in the same concrete box for 12 weeks, the only “comfort”
expected: a plastic bin and sawdust on the ground. There is no trace
of any games or other means of isolation for the mothers.
two months, the puppies are weaned, separated from their mothers, and
grouped in the “storage area”, where there no “no
playground” is planned: nature is absent, except behind the
fence. Those who survive are sent to laboratories as early as 10
months of age. When females can no longer reproduce, they suffer the
same fate. The complaint of One Voice reports many failings.
The Law and the people demand less cruelty and animal testing
Beagles and Golden Retrievers are dogs chosen to supply the
laboratories applying animal experimentation protocols because they
are soft and docile. Since 2016, the quantity of dogs used in the
laboratories is increasing. When we know how much they are protected
by French law, it makes one imagine what sort of life there is for
rabbits, hamsters, mice…
yet, 83% of French people are in favour of stopping animal testing
(IPSOS survey for One Voice December 2016).
European regulation is clear on the subject, it makes it explicit in
the form of the 3R rule: Reduce, Replace, Refine. Member countries of
the European Union must replace animals with alternative research
methods (computer simulations, stem cells, etc.), refine tests to
make them less painful, and most importantly, reduce the number of
animals used. The state must therefore finance the search for
alternative methods when they do not exist, and scientists have the
duty to implement these methods when they exist.
with these provisions, One Voice calls for the closure of this French
breeding facility, instead of its expansion and is supported in this
process by more than 40,000 people. These supporters have all signed
the petition over a six-week period after its posting on One Voice’s
website. Many associations make up the main European coalition in
this area, the ECEAE, European Coalition to End Animal
Experimentation, who support One Voice – of which we are the French
representative. The local collective “Let’s close the CEDS”
who is also in solidarity with this action.
June 9 at 2.00 pm, the association will be received by the Cabinet
Director of the Prefect of Yonne, the assembly will leave after this
are at your disposal for any further information and will be
available for any interview at request until 1:30 pm on the day of
the meeting, or after 3 pm that same day.
taken from the complaint filed with the Attorney General of Auxerre