One Voice files a civil case for Mirsou, a young cat violently killed
His name was Mirsou. In December 2023, the little white and ginger cat was killed by the now ex-partner of the woman with whom he had been living peacefully in an apartment in the Seine-Saint-Denis region. His life lasted less than two years, cut short by a violence that spares neither humans nor animals. To demand justice on his behalf, we will be present at the trial of his torturer at the Bobigny legal tribunal, on Monday December 9 at 1pm.
On December 24, 2023, Mirsou died violently. That evening, the woman who had been taking care of him had entrusted him to the man who was still her partner. But in the middle of the evening, he called to tell her that Mirsou had escaped. Panicked, she immediately decided to return home without telling him, determined to find her cat. There, she came face to face with the man in the middle of a cleaning operation, with a strong smell of bleach, his gloves stained with blood… Very upset, her first and only thought was to look for Mirsou. Perhaps he was hiding in a corner of the apartment, waiting for her to return ? There was still hope. Suddenly, however, she caught her companion abruptly leaving the apartment with plastic bags and rushing to the elevator. Chasing after him, she managed to stop him before he had disposed of the bags in the trash can area.
And… And then came the shock : the woman discovered the inert body of her little protégé, completely soaked. In tears, she nevertheless managed to find a veterinary surgeon on duty to entrust him with his remains in the middle of the night. The autopsy carried out a few days later revealed that the torture Mirsou had undergone could only have been fatal : two broken fangs, dislocated upper jaw, haematoma and blood clots in the throat…
Recognizing the link between violence against animals and violence against humans : a vital emergency
Devastated by Mirsou’s death and the torture he endured, his human companion filed a complaint for acts of cruelty and serious abuse resulting in the death of an animal, and asked us to help her obtain justice. We said yes immediately. For Mirsou and all the other abused animals, we will continue to fight so that such acts are recognized in the light of their atrocity. To defend our companions, abjectly beaten and sometimes killed by individuals of whom they are rarely the only victim, and to recognize the link between acts committed against humans and animals, sign our petition.
On Monday December 9, at 1pm, we’ll be at the Bobigny legal tribunal to support the plaintiff after filing a civil case and speak out on behalf of Mirsou and all animals who are victims of human violence.