One Voice at the State Council against dolphinariums, to defend dolphins and orcas in captivity
The dolphinariums have
attacked the ministerial decree of May 3rd
2017, known as “the dolphinarium decree”. It decreed the
end of reproduction and captivity of cetaceans and the improvement of
the living conditions of orcas and dolphins currently held in pools.
The pools for moment are chlorinated and too small for them, on
Friday, January 12th,
2018 at 2.00 pm the State Council will hear the animal welfare
associations, the Ministry of Environment, and the dolphinariums on
these issues.
The dolphinariums have
challenged by an action for annulment of the order of May 3rd
20171 of the then Minister of the Environment Ségolène Royal. This
decree pronounced the banning of keeping any new cetacean specimens
in French pools and instituting new standards for keeping the
remaining animals, including the ban on the use of chlorine.
Muriel Arnal, President of One
Voice, fully supports the original text:
“The Ministerial Decree of 3rd
May at last puts the dignity of sentient beings endowed with cultures
and languages above economic interests. It must absolutely be
maintained. By putting an end to the heartbreak of families and the
bereavement associated with breeding programmes, this text will
improve the living conditions of dolphins and orcas. And these will
be the last detainees in France thus deprived of freedom and their
fundamental rights. Ethics, common sense and humanity must continue
to prevail over commercial logic.”
An interim suspension
procedure was also initiated by the dolphinariums, and in July 20172
resulted in the partial suspension of the order concerning the
prohibition of chlorine. However, the judge hearing the application
for interim measures had maintained the ban on the breeding of orcas
and dolphins.
Now it is the turn of the
judgment office of the Council of State to decide on the legality of
this decree. A hearing will therefore be held on January 12 to gather
the observations of the lawyers to the State Council representing the
parties: the parks and the Ministry, and associations including One
Voice (representing in France the coalition Dolphinaria-Free Europe),
intervened voluntarily to the procedure. One Voice has filed a brief
of more than 50 pages which explains why this decree must be
maintained together with 46 pieces including certificates from
different specialists in marine mammals.
The Council of State should
render its decision in early February.