No New Year’s resolutions for French labs: 40,000 rodents condemned in one week
The French Ministry of Research is off to a flying start this year. By approving twenty projects between January 1 and 6, 2025, no fewer than 40,000 rodents will be condemned to painful experiments and certain death. At this breakneck pace, the number of animals used for testing for the first time in 2025 will continue to exceed 2,000,000…
One Voice reveals the fate reserved for the first individuals sacrificed this year.
A life of torment under the guise of experimentation
To begin with, over 7,000 mice and their offspring will suffer heart attacks. None will survive. Thousands of rats will undergo painful surgery to attach a luminous implant to their brains, before being deprived of food and forced to perform exercises in exchange for a little food. After all this suffering, they will be killed to recover their brains.
Dozens of rabbits will have their eardrums perforated, while the same studies will induce cancer and fatal kidney failure in thousands of mice. Others will undergo force-feeding, and finally, over 25,000 rodents will be injected by every conceivable route with chemical or radioactive compounds, just to see the path these products follow in their bodies, before being killed.
Three quarters of them will die after these experiments. As for the others…
Three-quarters of the animals used in these sordid projects will be killed after the procedures for their organs and tissues. Some will be murdered with an overdose of anesthesia, others gassed progressively with carbon dioxide. The less fortunate will have their cervical vertebrae legally dislocated, their skulls struck to induce lethal shock, or will be decapitated…
The remaining quarter will soon be reused in other protocols before dying in the same appalling conditions.
If, like us and 75% of the French population, you believe in suffering-free science, join us in putting an end to animal experimentation!