Neglected “hunting” dogs in the Ain region: One Voice files a complaint
In a village in the north of the Ain region, two dogs used for hunting are relegated to an enclosure isolated from residential areas. Behind the fence, they survive with no attention or occupation other than waiting for a drop of water or a bit of food. We filed a complaint.
They were discovered by chance by a whistle-blower on August 25, while out for a walk. Locked away out of sight, with no one to hear them, as in the Lot-et-Garonne region, the two “hunting” dogs live in their own excrement. Among the dead leaves, car batteries litter the ground. Are they even fed and watered in this landfill-like prison? At the end of August, but also at the beginning of September, their bowls were empty and dry, always in the same place. With summer not yet over, they don’t even have a drop of water at their disposal. And they are forced, starving, to beg for food from the rare strangers who pass by.
“Hunting” dogs, forgotten by all
When alerted, the local police were already aware of the situation. How many other “hunting” dogs, bred for this deadly pastime, live in unworthy conditions, exposed to dangerous objects, without food or water, with no one to look after them, taken out only for the hunting parties of those who then store them like equipment?
After years of investigation and legal proceedings, we managed to save almost 90 of them in February 2020 and March 2024.
We’re not backing down for the two dogs in the Ain region either. We have filed a complaint for mistreatment and asked that they be seized and entrusted to us. Join us in calling for an end to hunters’ preferential treatment, and for the animals they keep to finally enjoy the same protection as other dogs: sign our petition.