Nantes University : silence on the fate of baboons held in its labs
The battle against the Large Animal Laboratory (LGA) at the University of Nantes is far from over. It has taken a year of procedure to receive only part of the documents it is legally obliged to provide. Despite regular speeches advocating transparency in terms of animal testing, the Nantes university remains opaque as to the fate of the primates at the heart of its labs…
Nevertheless, the files we have obtained reveal the appalling fate of seven young baboons… One Voice remains mobilized to gather answers and put an end to this silence !
Photo credit: Cruelty Free International
Satiric, Sheila, Simio and the others arrived between September 2022 and April 2023 at the Large Animal Laboratory (LGA) at the University of Nantes. However, the establishment refuses to reveal what happens to them inside. All we know is that the LGA is renowned for specializing in experimental surgery, particularly in the field of organ transplantation… We can only imagine what they go through every day…
Young and already broken by experimentation
Subjected to grueling experiments from an early age, baboons endure forced feeding, respiratory arrest and other tests provoking extreme levels of distress. Young “Stabilotte” even vomits during experiments, while others panic and try to escape the testing machines in which their bodies are trapped. They are so desperate to escape that four-month-old Shade has already tried to escape through the drainpipes. It was only after the weekend that this attempt was discovered by the employees. Proof, if proof were needed, that animals are left to their fate for days on end.
At just 2 years of age, the animal the experimenters thought amusing to name Satiric is already showing worrying signs of physical deterioration. All of them, physically weakened by repeated experimentation, are suffering from rickets, limping or losing their hair to the point of baldness.
Help us find out what the University of Nantes is doing to them !
Despite all these alarming signs, and as if the ordeal they have already endured were not enough, the seven young baboons have been purchased by the University of Nantes to be subjected to further experiments…
Pending receipt of the additional documents we have requested in order to learn more about their fate at the Laboratoire des Grands Animaux in Nantes, we remain mobilized on their behalf.
If, like one in five French people, you are shocked by experiments on primates, join us : sign our petition for more ethical and transparent science. Together, let’s demand increased funding for alternative methods, and ultimately, an end to primate testing.