NAMs, or when the same acronym hides two opposite realities for “laboratory” animals…
The term “NAMs” can quickly become confusing. This english acronym, which originally stood for “Non-Animal Methods”, has been hijacked by the animal testing lobbies. It now refers to realities that are far removed from each other, because “New Approach Methodologies” have terrible implications for our companions… Laboratory lobbies exploit this ambiguity to their advantage, to conceal practices that still involve tests leading to the death of many individuals. One Voice denounces these manipulations and offers concrete tools for informed purchasing.
“Non-Animal Methods”: no animal exploitation
Technological innovations and rationalization of existing data, known as “Non-Animal Methods” (NAMs), totally exclude the use of animal species and are based on real alternatives. These include organoids derived from human cells, computer models coupled with artificial intelligence, and cell cultures.
This term was first used by us, the animal protection associations of the two coalitions of which One Voice is a member, ECEAE and Cruelty Free Europe (as well as PeTA, HSI and Eurogroup for Animals), in our advocacy to the European authorities, notably during the procedures concerning the ICE Save Cruelty Free Cosmetics, and the Nature Restoration Plan which led to reflection on the REACH and CPL directives.
The “New Approach Methodologies” (NAMs), described as alternatives to animal experimentation, continue to involve… animals.
Under cover of this fashionable acronym, the tissues and organs of animals are still used… So, although tests are no longer carried out on living individuals, they continue to die for the purposes of experimentation…
Words are important, an informed activist is worth two
Let’s be vigilant and always be clear about what lies behind this now misleading acronym. The “bioresources” lobbies exploit the power of words to mask cruel practices, a form of greenwashing that hides the reality of the laboratories. Confusing these two denominations can slow down the transition to a suffering-free science and serve the interests of groups of influence.
In our fight to change mentalities and practices, it’s crucial to choose our vocabulary carefully and not to adopt the concepts of the oppressors, whatever the subject we’re dealing with. In this case, it’s essential to alert public opinion to the meaning of the english term “NAMs”.
Cruelty-free festive season: a gift for animals
During this festive season, let’s think about our consumer choices. Treating ourselves and our loved ones can be done without compromising animal welfare. How can we do this? By choosing products bearing the Cruelty-Free logos developed by our partner and other associations. The brands concerned set an example with their finished products and ingredients. No stage in their manufacture is tested on animals. This holiday season, let’s be enlightened consumers and refuse to support a system that continues to use animal testing whenever possible!