Micha, Bony, Glasha: Silence, the mistreatment that continues behind the scenes in circuses!
Micha, still in a critical condition, Bony and Glasha ignored by the public authorities... As we launch emergency procedures for them, the Prefect conveniently requests silence from the zoo-sanctuary. We will not be silent!
Micha, is still in a critical condition and requires urgent care. Bony and Glasha are being ignored by the public authorities, despite of their state of health and conditions of detention. As we launch emergency procedures for them, the Prefect conveniently requests silence from the zoo-sanctuary. Do the authorities perceive the PR disaster that is coming after turning a blind eye for so many years? For Bony, Glasha and Micha, we will not be silent!
regaining forty kilos and returning to a state of healthiness from
that of a previously unhealthy state, Micha’s condition has become
very concerning. In recent days, he has required emergency attention.
In order to be able to help him, the zoo-sanctuary has had to beg for
permission from the Poliakov’s to treat the bear- because yes, the
torturous couple still own Micha !
A code of silence from the public authorities
the online press release and the open letter Published by the
prefecture three days after the filing of our appeal against it, the
authorities boast of having obtained the consent from the owners,
while expressly demanding that Micha’s condition be kept silent.
Would the Prefecture try to put a leaden weight upon what these three
bears have already endured? This code of silence around Micha’s
health worries us about the survival of Bony and Glasha lingering in
the depths of their infamous jails.
These outlaw trainers, still protected
the ten years that Bony, Glasha and Micha were locked in the 2 m²
cages of a circus truck, the authorities closed their eyes. Then they
continued to keep their eyes closed when the bears found themselves
locked in dungeons in disgusting conditions, beaten on all sides by
the wind, exposed to diseases, etc. And this has been going on for 7
years. How can these trainers be so well protected? How can we treat
these animals with such impunity?
Festival des Arts du Cirque 2005, Micha, Glasha et Bony filmés dans les cages du camion où ils vivaient. En 2012, ils seront transférés dans les geôles des Poliakov où sont encore Glasha et Bony. Quand auront-ils enfin le droit de recevoir soins et attention?! #CirquesSansAnimaux pic.twitter.com/IccJ3M7ab9
— One Voice (@onevoiceanimal) October 13, 2019
Our attack, has triggered a response from the Prefect
this announcement, would the Prefecture hope to disarm those who
defend Micha, Bony and Glasha?
few days before its publication, Tuesday, November 5th
2019, we filed a suite on the merits for the excess of power, against
its inertia, its poor appreciation of the situation, and its silence
in the face of our requests for the last two months.
November 8th, 2019, we also filed an urgent suspension:
have the trainer’s certificate of competence withdrawn, -
their authorization to open -
to seize Bony, Glasha and the others animals from the clutches of
the Poliakov’s.
Attempt to justify the unjustifiable
Mr Prefect, until the month of September all was not well! Maggots do
not just appear in a matter of a few days in a living being, nor does
serious malnutrition and nor does the greenish traces seen in the
bottom of the feeding troughs. There is also the matter of rats in
the dungeons and in the enclosure. How is it that the Poliakov’s
were able to drag poor Micha into a performance with a certificate
from a vet? (We question this horse vet! – in front of the Council of
In conclusion, the Poliakov’s
only allow the care of their animals when they are absolutely obliged
to do so. The Prefecture does not wish for this mistreatment to be
known. Also, since we have to get there …, our lawsuits continue on
to get the truth and to secure the rescue of the other animals.
hearing of our interim-suspension against the inaction of the Prefect
will take place on November 28th at the Administrative Court of