Little Boy, young Cane Corso stabbed and impaled on a branch: trial on June 20th
Our Cell Zoe will defend this in court on June 20th in Bethune, the memory of Little Boy, a young dog slaughtered with knives and found impaled on a tree.
Rejected from all sides, abandoned several times, without anyone to love him, Little Boy, a young dog Cane Corso, had already experienced many disappointments with the human race. He was coldly murdered by people he trusted. Our Cell Zoe will be at the court of Bethune for him on June 20th.
On Wednesday, June 20th, the court adjourned the hearing to July 9th, 2018.
That day, Little Boy was tied up. Then, the blows began to rain down, he was stabbed several times, gutted and impaled on a tree where he was abandoned, still whining. His identification chip was removed, but fortunately it was not enough … And his terrible journey was traced.
Locked most of the time on the balcony, the daily life of Little Boy was only solitude. In four years of existence, humans have never been faithful to him, he went from one owner to another, given away by ad on the internet, without ever a person of confidence to finally bring him the protection, the security and the love he needed.
On the day of his death, did his torturers act on orders from his owners who had already tried to get rid of them? Did Little Boy happily believe in a welcome stroll, a break from the balcony to which he was assigned, or did he sense the danger and was terrified. He followed his torturers reluctantly? Still, they premeditated their gesture, since they took with them two knives when they took the dog. The two or three men, it remains to be determined, they reject each other’s blame. The record of this massacre still contains many inconsistencies and grey areas.
What happened to Little Boy is torture!
Living with a dog entails responsibility. It is not an accessory that you can get rid of or dispose of at your leisure. Not being able to bring him what he needed, and above all, to have considered then proceeded with his assassination, they must be severely punished. What happened to Little Boy is torture! The people who killed him must be judged with all necessary force!
We will be on June 20th at the trial, our Cell Zoe will defend the memory of Little Boy and claim justice for him in court.
We are fighting to have the “link” recognized by the law
Some of the people involved had already been reported for violent behaviour, this cannot continue, these people are proven to be a danger to the whole of society.
We recently renewed our appeal to the Justice Ministry to highlight the link between violence, whether the victim is human or animal, in order to change the law in this area.
Madame la Garde des Sceaux, @NBelloubet @justice_gouv, nous vous écrivons de nouveau car les #violences perpétrées sur #animaux familiers doivent être punies très sévèrement du fait de leur lien fréquent avec les #ViolencesDomestiques. Il est temps de changer la loi! pic.twitter.com/6A8SDgU0wO
— One Voice (@onevoiceanimal) 7 juin 2018
Please sign our petition to support us in this fight.
Pictures: © DR (France 3 Hauts-de-France)