Let's make the choice for adoption!
As part of our Pet Shops campaign, “I'm taking refuge!” Discover the drama of dogs and cats behind the glass showcases. Do not support this business.
As part of our new Pet Shops campaign, “I’m taking refuge!” Our investigators placed many of the Pet shops under surveillance. Discover the drama that is played out for these dogs and cats exhibited for weeks behind glass showcases, their shattered destinies. Meanwhile, the refuges are overflowing. Let’s end this madness, where living beings are taken for mere objects: Let’s adopt! find us on December 16th at the puppy market in Lyon!
Their names were Tomi, Oliver, Athena. In turn, they were bought from pet shops by humans under a spell. Today, Tomi is gone. The puppy was euthanized because he had behavioural problems that the family did not expect. Oliver, for his part, is languishing in the back of a refuge because once the novelty had worn off, his owners had reflected and realized that they had neither the time nor the energy to take care of him. As for Athena, the little cat looking so cute behind the glass of her showcase and who melted the hearts of everyone. Only here, although heir to a beautiful pedigree, she did not survive the cramped living conditions with other kittens: she contracted the coryza. When Elena, a 7-year-old girl, took her in his arms, they immediately bonded. But the disease quickly took over, and what seemed like a simple cold ended up separating them. Elena was not prepared for such mourning, only a few weeks after becoming attached to her friend…
Examples among many others …
Separated far too young from their mothers, locked behind shop windows, perceiving the world as only a pale neon light, the din of the loudspeakers who announce the sales and discounts, experiencing for weeks the lack of love, these three individuals are not the only examples among the multitude of victims of pet shops. Their destiny would probably have been very different if, instead of being put on sale at the tender age of 8 weeks and removed from a normal existence. Their socialization and immunity could have been gradually built up, at their own pace within a suitable setting. But the future of the animal once sold does not worry these sellers. For them, only the logic of profit takes precedence. In their eyes, these living beings represent only objects for commercial use. Moreover, once “out of date”, that is to say, become “too big” and no longer attractive, nothing is said about what becomes of them.
The shelters are packed
We must turn our backs on this deadly trade and give a second chance to all these surviving rejected souls! The refuges are full to capacity with animals “discarded” by businesses and private owners, like unwanted toys that we get rid of after use. Their only “wrong doing” is to become unattractive and boring to their frantic and irresponsible commercialistic owners … They only ask to share tenderness and taking into account their needs! Unlike pet shops, our partner shelters are as much interested in the profile of the adoptee as that of the adopter. They will never entrust, for example, a young beagle frustrated and wanting to let off steam to be given to a city dweller living in an apartment. The age of the animal, its origins, its experience, must correspond to the psychology and way of life of the candidate. And vice versa. This is a real accompaniment. We have just launched our Pet Shops “I’m taking refuge!” To support their approach. We are also organizing action on December 16that the puppy market in Lyon. Please join us!