Kittens slaughtered and decapitated, or the horror of feline straying in France
Monday May 20 should have been an ordinary day for the volunteer on Haute Street in the Gard town of Anduze. Every day, he visits the place where the cats sterilized by the association Un Chat pour la Vie live, to feed them and make sure they’re doing well. What a shock it was when he found the bodies of four severely injured kittens. Although the chances of identifying the perpetrator of these barbaric acts are slim, we are filing a complaint alongside this association, with which we have already cooperated, so that an investigation can be launched.
Photos : Association Un Chat pour la Vie
Stray cats, unloved ones and ready-made victims of all kinds of mistreatment
Across France, many cat lovers are taking action to care for, feed and sterilize stray cats in their municipalities. In Anduze, several cats have been cared for by our partner. Unfortunately, a cat that had been present on the site for several months proved to be more cunning than humans and would not let herself be captured. In April, she gave birth to four kittens. At the same time, two cat shelters were stolen. Clearly, the presence of these animals is disturbing someone.
Torture and barbarism, atrocities perpetrated on the kittens
On Monday May 20, the kittens, only a few weeks old, were found severely mutilated. Their tiny bodies had gaping wounds, and one had been decapitated, its head found a few meters away. Only one survived the barbaric acts to which they were all subjected. He is now safe. The clean, precise lesions suggest that a tool was used to make them suffer as much as possible before decimating the siblings.
The tragic fate of millions of cats
The short lives of these kittens should remind us of the fate of all these homeless felines. On a daily basis, they struggle to fight off disease, to find enough to live on, to protect themselves from bad weather, and to cope with the malice of those who consider them “pests” instead of seeing them for what they really are: victims. Of human violence, of the inaction of the State and our representatives, of the lack of real and a fortiori severe penal sanctions, of the absence of sterilization, of classified ads on the Internet, of wild abandonment, of slaughtering in pounds…
We are filing a complaint on their behalf. Sterilization is the only solution to put an end to all this misery. Individuals and public services alike must assume their responsibilities. Help us make the voice of stray cats heard, and sign our petition for a national emergency plan.