Jacques-Antoine Granjon and One Voice: Together for the release of animals held in circuses!
Arnal, president of One Voice, and Jacques-Antoine Granjon, CEO and
founder of a Private Sales Group, sent a joint letter to Nicolas
Hulot, Minister of the Ecological and Solidarity Transition, asking
him to ban the exploitation of wild animals in circuses.
an increasing number of countries around the world and cities in
France ban shows with animals, unfortunately French roads continue to
see these circus vehicles, where lions, elephants, hippopotamuses and
monkeys are crammed into trailers, these animals are on the brink of
Voice recalls that animals are recognized under French law as
“sentient beings”, and that the National Veterinary Order
and the Federation of French Veterinary Trade Unions (FSVF) confirm
they want to go towards “the prohibition of the use of wild
mammals in itinerant circuses ” and that ” the conditions
under which animals are held cannot satisfy their physiological and
social needs “.
Minister of Ecology, known for his commitment to Nature, is well
placed to understand what these living conditions mean for wild
animals he has seen in the wild. One Voice is counting on him to ban
their exploitation and allow us to free them, “says Muriel
Arnal, founder of One Voice.
From the 24th
November, and for 48 hours, on the artistic facade of the business
building of Private Sales at Le Verone, overlooking the A1 motorway
and the Stade de France, in Saint-Denis (93), a photo of the elephant
Maya will be displayed. No less than 350,000 motorists pass through
it every day, which will be affected by the #JusticePourMaya message.
my measure, I support all the fighting of One Voice, and especially
that for circuses without animals,” says Jacques-Antoine