Incitement to poach wolves: legal power struggle with Coordination Rurale 87
Last July, the Coordination Rurale de Haute-Vienne (CR 87) syndicate published a communiqué and posters on its website inciting hunters and farmers to illegally cull wolves. Almost three months later, the incitements to hatred are still online. We take the agricultural union to court. Hearing at the Limoges judicial court on November 6 at 2:00 pm.
“1,000€ bounty to anyone who brings back a dead wolf”, proclaimed the Coordination rurale de Haute-Vienne syndicate online – via posters and press release – on July 26, 2024. We immediately sent a formal notice by a bailiff to the union, so that they would stop calling to poaching, reminding them of the law and confirming that we would lodge a complaint against them and the poachers if a wolf was illegally killed in the region.
Although we never received a reply, we did learn through the media that our letter had been received:
“I received the summons this morning (Thursday August 1). They’re warning us, but there’s nothing more they can do. As far as we’re concerned, we’re not going to take down our posters”, boasted Thomas Hégarty, President of the CR 87, to the press. And so, the CR 87 sticks to its guns, demonstrating that it has no hesitation in officially flouting the law to persecute wolves.
In order to defend these wonderful animals, who should have their place in nature, and because we can’t let the agricultural lobby go after them in defiance of regulations and in the name of the sacrosanct “protection of livestock farming” (need we remind them that farmers supposedly devastated by the death of their ewes are not traumatized when it comes to sending them to the slaughterhouse?), we have taken the Coordination Rurale de Haute-Vienne to court. Rendezvous at the Limoges legal tribunal on November 6 at 2:00 pm.
Support our fight for the wolves, who only want to live in peace: sign our petition.
The hearing has finally been postponed and will take place on December 4 at 2:00 pm at the Limoges legal tribunal.