Global week of action for victims of animal experimentation
In honor of this week dedicated to animals exploited in laboratories, Aroma-Zone has partnered with One Voice to offer our readership a unique, ethical, and organic recipe for a healthy glow!
In honor of this week dedicated to animals exploited in laboratories, Aroma-Zone has partnered with One Voice to offer our readership a unique, ethical, and organic recipe for a healthy glow!
Being healthy means taking care of yourself, maintaining your home, eating healthily etc.: but your daily routine should not necessitate animal sacrifice. When consumers actively choose to buy cruelty-free products, manufacturers listen because it is in their best interest to meet consumer desires. Just by living ethically we can actively participate in large-scale societal shifts.
Last week, One Voice president Muriel Arnal took part in the Coalition meeting on animal experimentation in Berlin. The consensus seemed to be that the future for laboratory animals is beginning to look up, so now is the time to act!
Aroma-Zone, a longtime One Voice partner, has been embracing the cruelty-free label for the last ten years. For this week’s occasion, they offered us a recipe for a skin serum for spring found at the bottom of the page.
All of One Voice’s initiatives are independently financed with your donations. So when you choose a One Voice certified product, transparency is always guaranteed. Since French corporations still do not comply with industry standards, it is crucial that the truth about how products are manufactured and regulated is made known.
During this special week, One Voice has been offering initiatives and petitions on its social networks. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter! Let’s stop animal suffering in laboratories.
Do your part and write to brands you would like to see adopt cruelty-free labels.
Together we have the power to make significant changes!
Healthy glow serum for spring
Price: 4 euros for 30ml
Level of difficulty: beginner
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Bottling: 30 ml dropper bottle
Ingredients: 30ml
- Macerated organic carrot oil: 1 10 ml dose
- organic apricot oil: 1 10 ml dose
- organic prune oil: 1 10 ml dose
- organic grapefruit oil without furocoumarin: 10 drops
- put the ingredients together in the dropper bottle
- close the bottle and shake
Apply 3 to 4 drops of the fruit serum in the morning before daily care routine for a healthy glow!
create and conserve in hygienic conditions, your product can be saved for at least 6 months
The State Council has just announced that it will once again permit dissections in middle and high school, although the Ministry of Education has the option of disputing the decision. Write to the
Ministry of Education requesting that dissections are prohibited for academic purposes, along with the use of organs and/or vertebrates and cephalopods. Children and young adults should not be subjected to participating in such cruel and inhumane practice.