For Grenoble's stray cats, inauguration of a second Chatipi on November 22 at noon
One Voice, which has been fighting feline straying for many years, has set up three-way partnerships with town councils (or places such as hospitals or retirement homes) and local associations, to microchip, sterilize and care for homeless cats, then release them by providing them with a wooden chalet for hydration, food and shelter.
In Grenoble, this is the second time that One Voice and the town council have worked together to ensure the well-being of stray cats. There will be an exchange with the press for the inauguration of the second Chatipi at noon on Friday, November 22, in the green space at 86 Anatole France street.
Chatipi, a lasting solution to feline straying vicious circle
Chatipi is more than just a cottage: it’s an ethical initiative aimed at creating living spaces for stray cats, helping them while raising public awareness of their plight, their needs and the importance of having them sterilized.
To date, some sixty Chatipis have already been installed throughout France in public areas, in partnership with town halls, or in health establishments such as nursing homes or hospitals.
Indeed, life outdoors remains a cause of great suffering for our feline companions, who fall ill far more often than those living with their families, have to contend with bad weather and sometimes even human malevolence.
In Grenoble, a first project was launched in 2022. To support the town council’s commitment, One Voice has decided to launch a second one. The Chatipi space has been set up in the Mistral district, in Anatole France street, on a site that has been completely transformed: the public buildings have been demolished, and a wooded area will now be home to the Chatipi’s resident cats.
Thanks to a partnership between the city of Grenoble and the Judicial Protection of Youth, young people in rehabilitation have also been involved in the project. It’s a way of bringing together some of the most vulnerable members of society: cats without families and young people in difficulty.
Distribution of tasks and responsibilities
Currently, six cats benefit from the Chatipi space.
One Voice, which invented the Chatipi concept, provided the chalet and cat flaps, and is paying for several kilos of kibble and veterinary expenses (sterilizations, microchipping, tests) for the cats at the start of the project, as well as the educational panel.
For its part, the town council has made the site available, carried out the construction work around the Chatipi (site preparation, tree planting) and is responsible for site management and maintenance.
The Cosa Animalia association and its volunteers are responsible for feeding the cats on a daily basis, and for trapping and transporting them to the veterinary clinic for treatment and sterilization.
As part of a partnership between the city of Grenoble and the Judicial Protection of Youth, the chalet and supporting floor have been assembled and fitted out by local young people undergoing rehabilitation. These young people may be called upon to assist the managing association in the upkeep of the Chatipi in the future.
The inauguration will take place on Friday, November 22 at noon in the green space at 86, Anatole France street. It will be attended by Andrea Argemi, president of the Cosa Animalia association, Sandra Krief, deputy mayor, responsible for animal welfare, Gilles Namur, deputy mayor, responsible for public spaces – nature in the city – biodiversity and freshness, revegetation, Thierry Chastagner, deputy mayor, responsible for Grenoble’s civil security, and Mathilde Perrot, head of the Chatipi project for One Voice. Representatives of the Judicial Protection of Youth and the young people who took part in the project are also expected to attend.
One Voice website dedicated to the Chatipi program provides a wealth of information on this educational program in favor of cats.
Sign the petition to demand an emergency plan for feline straying.