Connemara, a mare victim "collateral damage" from the hunt
A pregnant seven-month-old mare has just been killed in the meadow where she lived, cartridges have even been found there. This is another “accident” of hunting, as it has been every week since the reopening of the hunt. We are pressing charges for Connemara.
In Limonest, in the Rhone, the meadow of Connemara was on the edge of the forest. Hunts are taking place there. But was it a stray bullet that had hit the pregnant mare? No. How do we know? The rifle cartridges found in the same meadow where the future mother was found inert, Tuesday, October 30th. The president of the Federation of Chasseurs du Rhone denied the shooting, he even told France 3 that Connemara died of a heart attack… However, the mare was hit by bullets.
Between the pink flamingo found in late August and the white spoonbill mid-October, we cannot stop counting the deaths and injuries! Just a few weeks ago we were arguing in court for justice for Olympe, a mare also shot dead. The cases follow each other and unfortunately, are similar. These discovered beings, who make the headlines, have families, like Connemara and Olympus, or are protected. How many more are to be killed because of hunting and without anyone hearing about it?
Hunters do not want to be accountable to anyone, and the President of the Republic continues not to rub them up the wrong way. But the general population does not accept that the public domain is the playground for 2% of the citizens. That hunters gleefully kill 45 million animals each year and endanger many others has become inadmissible to the majority (IPSOS-One Voice survey, October 2018). A vast majority of French (91%) call for the implementation of a radical reform of hunting, and it is urgent.
On the ministry side of the Ecological and Solidarity Transition, we are told about reinforced training for hunters, a guide to good behaviour … in total shift. We are pressing charges for Connemara. The dead of the hunt can no longer be ignored. Please sign our petition!
Pictures: Élevage d’ElTha