China clones’ monkeys so they can deprive them of sleep
They are still so small, these macaques born after cloning. But they already show sleep disturbances and high levels of anxiety.
They are still so small, these macaques born after cloning to study sleep disorders. But they already show high levels of anxiety.
La Chine vient de cloner cinq singes à partir d’un macaque aux gènes modifiés présentant des troubles du sommeil. C’est une première. Peut-on s’en vanter? Ils se blottissent les uns aux autres, perdus… et vont subir l’horreur. #ExpérimentationAnimale pic.twitter.com/4vDbRlr28a
— One Voice (@onevoiceanimal) 24 janvier 2019
They are clutching each other, eyes haggard. Their fear is legitimate, their incomprehension as well. At their age, these little monkeys should be safe in their mother’s arms. A mother, they will never know, what became of her after the sordid operations that she suffered for the sake of cloning?
Chinese researchers were able to clone monkeys a few months ago and have just started again. They assure us that the experiments that these monkeys will undergo will be supervised by an ethics committee according to international standards. There is something to shudder about for these animals who, if they survive the invasive experiments that await them, they will be experimented on for years to come without a moment’s respite.
2018, Zhong Zhong et Hua Hua, les premiers primates non humains à être clonés
These sensitive and intelligent animals have no place in laboratories. And beyond the years of immense suffering that awaits them, there are many moral questions to be asked, scientists using animal cloning will have to be one of them!
In China, no legislation exists to protect animals. In 2008, our legal team worked on a text with Chinese associations. It had been suggested to the politicians who wanted to make things happen. Since then, our Chinese partners are fighting with all their might, but what resistance!
It’s up to all of us to continue the mobilization in France, as in the world with our partners.
Like us, write to the Chinese Embassy to express all your indignation:
For the attention of His Excellency,
Mr. ZHAI Jun,
Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in France
20 Rue Monsieur
75007 Paris
or by mail:chinaemb_en@mfa.gov.cn