Caesarean sections and induced abortions to describe the pancreas of foetuses
In an experiment during 2017 five pregnant female beagles had their young torn from their insides prematurely, to sacrifice the foetuses for the sole purpose of dissecting their pancreases and to observe their level of development in utero.
In an experiment during 2017 five pregnant female beagles had their young torn from their insides prematurely, to sacrifice the foetuses for the sole purpose of dissecting their pancreases and to observe their level of development in utero.
For Dr. André Ménache, these analyses could just as easily have been performed on foetuses born from spontaneous abortions. Instead, female beagles, so sensitive and soft by nature, but even more so given their condition, had theirs bellies cut open! Caesareans were given without any health reasons for them or their young. What’s more, any significant incision of the abdomen can lead to discomfort and pain, not to mention the possible depression following the removal of their foetuses! Their youngsters were killed when they could have become perfect companions in life, happy and loving, in good health.
The scientists for their part do not intend to stop there, considering that it would be necessary to determine when a pancreas begins to function in life…