Beaten dogs about to be returned to their torturer, or when the authorities don't care about animals

Gard, May 29, 2024. The Nîmes SPA is entrusted with the care of Pepa, 7 months old, and Kailye, 7 years old. The two staffies had been taken from their owner a few hours earlier, due to severe mistreatment filmed the day before. A complaint was lodged immediately. Today, however, the Calvisson police are demanding that the Nîmes SPA return them, even though an investigation is underway. We have filed a complaint and urge the courts to confiscate the dogs permanently.
It was the video recorded by a neighbor that saved Pepa, victim of a violent rampage last May. Alerted, the police went to the scene and removed two terrorized dogs from the home, taking them to the SPA in Nîmes for safekeeping.
On the spot, the perpetrator explained that this was not a case of mistreatment, but of “correction”, as Pepa had nibbled on the electric wires of the gate. There is no justification for such acts against an animal, even less so under the pretext of training.
Taken to the vet, the physical injuries are fortunately minor, but the psychological trauma is immense. Both dogs are very fearful, especially of men. For over a month, Pepa and Kailye have been cared for and pampered by shelter staff, and are slowly regaining their confidence.
But today, surprise: a call from the Calvisson police station to the SPA indicates that they must be returned. In fact, they belong to the defendant’s girlfriend, who lives with him. It doesn’t matter to the authorities that the two canine victims will be returning to the same house as their tormentor. If you had any doubts, this is further proof that animals are treated like objects: property rights take precedence over their protection. Admittedly, this woman is not the perpetrator of the blows, and yes, the animals are identified in her name, but how can it be acceptable to send them back to the home of the man who tyrannizes them until the case has been judged?
For Pepa and Kailye, we are filing a complaint. We’re asking for them to be permanently confiscated, so that they can never be beaten again. Sign our petition so that our companions can finally benefit from effective penal protection.