Authorized shooting of wolves around an unprotected herd of cattle: One Voice takes the case to court
On October 11, the Prefect of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence region authorized a cattle farmer to implement simple defense shots on wolves. In the villages of Le Vernet, Méolans-Revel, Selonnet and Seyne, they are the target of rifles day and night. And this without any proof of the supposed “non-protectability” of the herd. On Tuesday November 5, at 2pm, we will be asking the Marseille Administrative Court for an emergency suspension of this totally illegal order.
In France, anything goes to kill as many wolves as possible. Like considering cattle herds “unprotectable”, knowingly making these animals easy prey, a veritable trap for the wolves themselves. The prefect of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence region has aligned himself with this incoherent and deadly position of the public services, by granting a simple defense shooting authorization to a farmer in the north of the region.
A text that respects neither animals nor regulations
In his hostility to nature, has the prefect even carried out the technical and economic analysis that must be sent to the prefect coordinating the national wolf action plan before making such a decision? Has the latter issued an opinion recognizing the impossibility to protect the herd? Since the shooting authorization was granted to the beneficiary on the very day of his request, it is unlikely that the slightest action was taken… Worse still, in his decree, the prefect washes his hands of the obligation to demonstrate the so-called “non-protectability” of the cattle herds, taking it upon himself to assert that there is no way of ensuring their safety. An easy solution that goes against the rules, will not stem predation on cows and their young, and will decimate wolf families, whose bereaved members may move a few kilometers to feed on other farms no better protected.
In the Doubs region, the court has already ruled in our favor.
Last June, the Besançon administrative court sided with us, annulling a similar decree that we had challenged in concert with the Pôle Grands Prédateurs and FERUS. Once again, we call the state services to order: cows cannot be declared “unprotectable” simply because they are cows! To ensure that this truth is recognized (however absurd the reminder may be), the regulations respected and the wolves defended, we have taken legal action. We will be represented by Géo Avocats law firm at the Marseille administrative court on Tuesday November 5 at 2pm, to demand the immediate suspension of this decree.
To stop the persecution of wolves, sign our petition!
Our request was rejected by an order dated November 12, 2024: the court refused to recognize the urgency of the threat to wolves.
The court took refuge behind the apparent increase in the lupine population, and decided not to take into consideration the cowardice of prefects, which leads them to authorize the shooting of wolves without carrying out a real technical-economic analysis on a case-by-case basis, or determining whether the flocks concerned are protectable or not.
But the fight for the wolves goes on: One Voice will be present at the hearing on the merits of this case to obtain the definitive cancellation of this decree, as was the case with the Besançon administrative court concerning a similar decree.