Art engages children against captivity
Nursery and primary school children have been working on the theme of animal welfare, and their living conditions in circuses during their spring break. Here are their completed works.
We have allowed a facilitator from a school near Narbonne to raise the awareness of children aged 4 to 11 about animals in circuses, during the spring break. Captivity, training, homelessness, they have learned that no, “animals are not clowns”.
Delighted, Delphine, the host, told us that one of the children, “who loved to go to the circus, and planned to go with her Mother to Marineland because she loves animals and is very interested in them! Will never again return to a circus or to a water park, she has made several drawings about animals in captivity and where she writes “do not applaud these poor animals”.
This young child, like many others, has been touched by the information that One Voice has shared with them, and they have been full of ideas on how to teach the adults around them the reality of traveling circuses.
Among their ideas, one bold individual reported to the facilitator of the project: “The children had proposed to go to the cash desk of the circus and instead of buying a ticket, would announce in front of everyone that they were very sad for the animals and that they would never give them any more money. “
Discover below, the achievements of the children. They have touched us, very moving. And you?