Adam’s challenge on behalf of animals
On the 27th of August, the athlete Adam Pardoux will cover a distance of 84km in the Tour des lacs in the French Pyrenees Mountains for One Voice. Here is a little more about this committed sportsman…
On the 27th of August, the athlete Adam Pardoux will cover a distance of 84km in the Tour des lacs in the French Pyrenees Mountains for One Voice. Here is a little more about this committed sportsman…
Adam Paroux is undoubtedly a fantastic example, demonstrating that we can compete at a very good level and be vegan at the same time. Sharing One Voice’s values, he wanted to take on this challenge to highlight the importance of the respect for animals and the planet. He is fund raising to support our campaigns!
One of his sources of inspiration is the professional athlete, Brendan Brazier, the author of a series of vegan recipe books for people who undertake intense sporting activity.
Adam says: ”
From a sports point of view, I am more focused, les tired and I recover more quickly between sessions, (…) vegan cooking also has the advantage of minimising the impact on the environment. (…) I buy locally where possible and I have a personal goal of ‘zero waste.’ (…) this objective goes hand in hand with the vegan lifestyle.”
Travelling between France and the United States, Adam noticed that the choice of vegetarian and vegan products and their accessibility was more developed over the Atlantic. The majority of restaurants there offer a vegetarian or a vegan option. In France, even if vegetarian or vegan restaurants are becoming more commonplace, the population is more interested in the consumption of organic and non-gluten products. Animal products are very much present.
Competing for One Voice, Adam wants to ”
defend the right to life of those who cannot express themselves in words, who are the precondition for our survival. I also want to raise awareness of the impact that modern life has on animals and our environment.”
Supporting him in this event will help raise public awareness of animal suffering caused by human activities and will contribute to One Voice’s campaigns. Find the link to his fundraising platform on Leetchi here: https://www.leetchi.com/c/asso…!