A so-called passive hunt: Traps that kill, responsible for animal suffering and death without distinction between species
One voice is fighting for the prohibition of traps that kill, a hunt that kills and mutilates animals of all species, wild, protected or domestic.
In this new opening of the hunting season, One Voice recalls its fight for the prohibition of these killing traps that massacre and mutilate thousands of wild animals which are protected or domestic species.
At the end of summer 2018 hunting is in the heart of the news. They are entitled to some generosity such as the reduction in the price of their hunting licenses. One Voice would like to reiterate that it is calling for the ban of one of its most cowardly practices, trapping and especially traps used for killing. Passive, unobtrusive and almost silent in its way of hunting, except for the cries of the animals that death did not come instantly for and who live their last moments of life in a long and violent agony. When a victim manages to break free from these murderous mechanisms, they remain mutilated. Thousands of wildlife species including protected and domestic species are experiencing this fatal method of hunting every year.
Two days of training for the pleasure to be able to pose death traps.
Trapping in particular can be practiced all year round. When it is not under the guise of hunting, it is to get rid of so-called “nuisance” animals. We know how much humans have shown for a long time, their ability to refer to so called “harmful” individuals in the animal species as with their congeners. Two days of training with the departmental hunting federations are enough to transform you, from the age of 16, into a seasoned trapper with approval issued by the Prefecture.
The killing traps, the fatal categories of trapping.
Highly regulated (decree of January 29th2007), this practice uses traps that have been divided into 5 categories, two of which refer to killing traps, category 2 and category 5. The traps for other categories that are supposed not to kill are neither less violent so far: they enrapture, they mutilate and use baits that can also be live animals. In any case, the final outcome still remains death. Meanwhile, the hunter can go about other hunting activities, he only needs to come back to check on his traps to finish the massacre as a self-proclaimed ecologist who carries a bloody game sack.
Walking in “nature”, the dangers of death with each step taken by the animals.
The ultimate and unique reason for these deadly traps is to turn any animal that comes near them into corpses of warm and bloodied flesh. Nothing is left to the imagination which does not fail to take a life: broken neck, crushed spine, strangulation or drowning, the latter method is now prohibited in several departments. There still remains the wires or the cords which strangle or hold the victim by a paw. The steel jaw traps which originate from the wolf traps, which are used for instant death, seem to be the most popular. They have many derivatives, bait traps, egg traps or livre de messe (hymn book traps). And yes, that’s its name in French! You won’t find this in the book of Catechism; This Gospel according to Nimrod consists of 2 metal parts that will crush the body of the first curious animal that comes close, perhaps your cat or your dog with whom you decided to go for a country walk with.
Strict regulation without visible sanctions.
Of course, the use and installation of these killing traps are subject to strict regulations: more than 200 meters from a dwelling, more than 50 roads and laneways open to the public and these traps must be flagged in a manner that is apparent. Now as your animal companion cannot read, then what does this brave hunter do? Especially as there is alas a certain negligence in regulating this and also the dialogue of non-compliance.
A much needed and immediate ban of these traps that kill
These killing traps are nonselective. Killing thousands of wild species, the young and their progenitors, we must also add to this the domestic species that are also trapped and if these mechanisms do not kill them, they end up with multiple injuries. Not to forget our protected species (squirrel, hedgehog and other otters). This so-called passive form of hunting by laying traps still remains a method that is even more cruel and barbaric than the shot from these shoddy Buffalo Bill types against the wild animals of our woods like Sologne or anywhere else. One Voice calls for the end of these practices, more restrictive regulations and sanctions to match these massacres. We must continue to denounce them and ask for their prohibition. Please sign and share our petition!