A punch, an electric shock: Kamala, Mina and Lechmere exploited when parading in the circus tent
One Voice has images showing Mina receiving a punch in the face, and Kamala an electric shock. Lechmee forced to parade and her elephant companions must be immediately released into sanctuary.
Kamala, Mina and Lechmee, captured when small in Asia, should not have had to live in circus trucks, chained up in urban car parks, exhibited in tents. We have rare images of violence, Mina being hit in the face, Kamala receiving an electric shock, and Lechmee, forced to parade in town despite her handicaps … What do these elephants go through, when far from view?
Kamala has been captive in a circus for over 40 years, like her companions of this misery, Lechmee, handicapped and blind, and Mina who helps her to eat. The three elephants all have stereotypical movements, very obvious for years now, evidence from the deleterious consequences of their living conditions and of their health, physical and mental. The last time we had heard from them, they had just been filmed, parading in a town in Lorraine, behind comes a truck thundering out from a loudspeaker a voice and deafening music. They swallowed up kilometres of road planned for the program of the circus tour which continues to hold them … Several thousands in just two months.
Is hitting or electrocuting caring?
The circuses, far from its complicity, who we continually dwell on, between a human trainer and loving animals, a demonstration of strength and domination of a human over the subject violently. Using multiple coercive means in case of disobedience, to shout out orders: food deprivation, isolation, ankus pikes, but also as in this case, electricity and punches near the eye.
From the images we shot a few days ago, we can clearly see the three elephants being surrounded by an electrified cable by a man taking care of them at the circus. Kamala jumps and tries to pull herself out of the electrified wire.
In another video filmed at the event “Micropolis” in Besançon by the association Humanimo, it is Mina who then bears the brunt of a torrid of violence on the part of the “carer”, who demands that she stoop and because she does not obey fast enough, gives her a punch near the eye!
The previous procedures, unpublished, were unsuccessful, but our legal complaint for them is still under investigation. Let’s get these elephants out of their dark trucks, protect them from the cruelty of their “carers”! Justice must allow themto finally live in nature as in a sanctuary. The protection of their species should guarantee them the respect that is due to any sentient animal and should therefore be offered.
This must stop! Demand the immediate withdrawal of Mina, Kamala and Lechmee from the circus and their placement into a sanctuary. Please sign the petition that we will send to the Prime Minister.