Donate as an individual
No muzzles to shout our anger!
One Voice is a 100% independent association, free in its words and actions. We receive no public funding and this is what has enabled us to fight for the defence of animals with fervour and without concession for 30 years. And this freedom depends on your donations. Thanks to your generosity, you can ensure the association’s continuity, make it possible to preserve endangered species and suffering animals, and give yourself a gift too! And yes, because your donations are tax-deductible.
Giving with eyes closed, opening them to injustice
Before any financial donation, your trust is essential for One Voice. Since immorality is everywhere in this world, it’s normal for you to have doubts, and that’s what we’re fighting against.
Rigorous monitoring of accounts, financial transparency and security are the association’s watchwords. One Voice gives you the opportunity to allocate your donations to a specific cause or action, according to your own wishes and sensitivities. You can also give more generally to support the association and its operations. We will then decide on the most appropriate use of your donation, taking into account long-term needs or emergency situations. If you have any questions about donations and how to manage them, please call us on 03 88 35 67 30.
Your secure donation
Our website is 100% secure, with all bank details encrypted using SSL protocol. Our accounts have been audited and certified by a statutory auditor. Whether you make your donations by credit card, cheque or via Paypal, we guarantee the complete financial transparency of the association, by tracing all transactions!
Rigorous management of donations
We guarantee that your money will be used exclusively on behalf of our association under the 1908 law, for actions, financing partners or purchasing the equipment needed for events and raising awareness. In particular, we ensure that 80% of your donations are used to carry out our field surveys!
Your tax-deductible donation
Donating to One Voice entitles you to a tax reduction of 66% of the sums paid, up to a limit of 20% of taxable income (if you are taxable). You can also carry forward donations over the next 5 years. Reduce your tax bill by alleviating their suffering!