Thursday 28 December 2023 | 6

Wolves: the European Commission in favour of massacring them

Wolves: the European Commission in favour of massacring them

Mis à jour le 15 April 2024

Last September, the European Commission started to collect data on the situation of wolves in Europe, while encouraging member states to slaughter them. The “verdict” was given on 20 December. They proposed to change their protection status from “strictly protected species” to “protected species”, the consequence of which would be that the exemptions allowing them to be eliminated would be further relaxed. One Voice is protesting against our leaders’ inconsistency, in particular regarding wild animals.

Hr blog

An anti-wolf point of view: an electioneering business asset on the eve of European elections

After the first round of eradications in France and in other countries in Europe, wolves have returned by themselves to the Alps Mountain range and little by little elsewhere in the country. These intelligent and sensitive animals, whose way of life is not too dissimilar to ours in many ways, incidentally play an essential role within ecosystems.
And yet... we still hear the same tune from farmers who perpetually blame them of being responsible of all evils.

This heinous discourse born from fear and well-established prejudice by cyno-agricultural lobbies are widely shared by the media and listened to by political and institutional circles, meaning that a second wave of disappearances in France will be inevitable as prefects are issuing authorisations for lethal shots. Especially as the European Commission is now clearly stating that they will no longer act as a shield to protect them. Much to the contrary.

If member states accept this declassification proposition, it will be submitted to the Bern Convention Committee in December 2024.

We, European people, are in favour of protecting wolves!

The most infuriating thing in all of this is that the vast majority of French people and Europeans far from share this viewpoint encouraged by agricultural and hunting lobbies.

In fact, a survey carried out in November 2023 for a group of associations in the EU (Germany, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, and Romania) showed that rural populations are largely in favour of protecting wolves, bears, lynx, etc.
The same can be said for France, where draft decrees relating to the ‘National Action Plan for Wolves’ recently submitted for public consultation have been the subject of strong opposition and criticism. The participants, of which we are one, effectively condemned a policy that encourages and justifies this upcoming massacre. And yet, it is very likely that the laws will be published in the state.

No proposition of a compromise, no creative thinking. The only way they see the situation is in terms of competition for territory and food and the fear of children being devoured. And the only response considered by our decision-makers who have become short-sighted and astigmatic from looking at them under a distorted magnifying glass: to always kill these so-called threatening enemies.

Whether or not they are listed as a protected species, wolves - like any other animal - must be able to live in peace. We will never stop defending them and will continue to fight to stop them being shot. Join us in this fight by signing our petition.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Cléa Capelli & Elise Loutry
Hr blog

In the subject

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Comments 6

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Wolkane | Tuesday 27 February 2024

Les loups sont indispensables, il est grand temps de les protéger et surtout d'arrêter de les tuer impunément !

lola | Friday 16 February 2024

Insupportable, insoutenable que les peuples d'Europe s'opposant à ces massacres ne soient pas écoutés. J'espère que nous, signataires de cette pétition, puissions obtenir gain de cause afin que le loup ne soit pas éradiqué.

Jojo | Friday 16 February 2024

Une honte... pas plus de protection des humains que des animaux. Triste société.

trochu | Tuesday 02 January 2024

Simplement scandaleux et révoltant que de vouloir affaiblir la protection des loups par cette commission européenne qui est honteuse et pathétique, ces gens là pensent-ils et réfléchissent ils ? C'est à se poser des questions. Les associations de protection et défense des animaux doivent contrer et faire annuler une telle décision ignoble à l'encontre des loups, animaux pacifiques et intelligents qui sont à leurs places dans toutes les contrées et qui ont eu leurs places dans celles ci bien avant que l'humain n'ait eu la sienne. De telles autorités ne sont pas habitées par la sagesse et le grand respect de toutes vies qu'elles soient animales ou humaines c'est une évidence.