Thursday 12 October 2023 | 2

Wolves: Coordination Rurale (CR87) in Haute-Vienne tries to silence One Voice by banning a protest

Wolves: Coordination Rurale (CR87) in Haute-Vienne tries to silence One Voice by banning a protest

Mis à jour le 15 February 2024

To demand an end to the massacring of wolves in our country, One Voice is organising militant action in different towns in France throughout the month of October.
On Saturday 14 October in Limoges, an event has been planned by our volunteers to inform the public on wolves, their sensitivity, their intelligence, their way of life, and the importance of their place in biodiversity. The Coordination Rurale in Haute-Vienne, terrified by a stand raising awareness, tried to get our protest banned using press releases. We wish them luck because One Voice has never backed down when it comes to defending wolves.

Hr blog

Packs are in reality true families, where each individual has its role to play for the survival of each of them. Contrary to what those who oppose them try to make people believe by demonising them, wolves do not represent a danger for humans: they try to avoid them as much as possible.

But clearly, at the CR87, rather than informing, they persist in spreading the same perpetual twaddle about wolves. Even when we give free rein to a boundless imagination, everyone will be able to read that “these wolves have been released, and even pro-wolf associations recognised the existence of clandestine breeding operations that were completely impenetrable and difficult to manage”.

A notoriously anti-wolf union

This same group that opposes an educational protest planned and authorised by the prefecture do not hesitate to incite their members to commit crimes. Thus, at the end of 2021, the Coordination Rurale 87 openly called for the poaching of wolves! “In Haute-Vienne, we have pellets and poison and will regulate ourselves!”, their representative said at the time in the press.

We will not give in to this attempt at intimidation by a deadly lobby, who each year send more than a thousand animals to the abattoir in France and campaign to exterminate wolves that are already in a critically vulnerable situation. We will be in Limoges next Saturday to defend their right to live in peace. 138 of them have already been slaughtered this year, 6 others poached, and unfortunately the massacre is not over. The State has effectively reviewed and increased the maximum number of exceptional shots, authorising the killing of 209 individuals in 2023. Without counting those who die ‘accidentally’ due to purely human reasons: traffic, trapping

Come and meet us in Amiens (80), Digne-les-Bains (04), Montpellier (34), Limoges (87), Metz (57), Aix-en-Provence (13), Troyes (10), Flers (14) ; Rouen (76) ; Nantes (44), Bar-Le-Duc (55), and Strasbourg (67). While waiting for an end to shooting, sign our petition to ask that wolves be respected.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Cléa Capelli
Hr blog

In the subject

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Comments 2

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Alexandre | Thursday 19 October 2023

Révoltant sûrement, incompréhensif de la part des autorités, non.

5 millions de chasseurs en France + x milliers d'éleveurs ovins/bovins, ca représente un électorat qui justifie, pour une majorité de nos élus, de fermer les yeux sur les atrocités commises à l'encontre de la faune sauvage...

trochu | Monday 16 October 2023

Vraiment révoltant et incompréhensif toute cette haine du loup parmi même les autorités ce qui est d'autant plus choquant. Vouloir à tout prix les décimer et les détruire et pour quelles raisons ? Tous ces individus auraient dû regarder vendredi soir un documentaire animalier sur le loup, sur un passionné du loup qui les suivaient à la trace et plaçait des caméras un peu partout pour mieux les observer et les admirer. La conclusion est très simple et réelle, le loup est un animal pacifique qui n'attaque pas l'humain, il est très intelligent et sensible. Si le loup se rapproche des troupeaux et tue des animaux ce n'est que pour se nourrir car leurs environnements sont de plus en plus détruits et envahis par les humains ce qui est honteux. Il en revient à ces mêmes humains de réfléchir à trouver des solutions inoffensives et dissuasives pour éloigner les loups des troupeaux et non pas de les pourchasser et les massacrer, ce n'est qu'effrayant et nous ne pouvons le tolérer, le loup doit être défendu et protégé dans son habitat naturel.