Friday 15 November 2019 | 22

When the birds fall from the sky

When the birds fall from the sky

Mis à jour le 20 August 2020

From the skies of our countryside and cities, birds are disappearing everywhere. Dying from hunger, under a hail of bullets or from hunting with glue, what else remains for them, hope? For each of them, we will fight to the end.

Hr blog

Birds are disappearing everywhere. This phenomenon is general, it spares neither birds from the cities, nor from the countryside. 421 million birds have disappeared in less than 30 years in Europe and 73% of Parisian sparrows in 13 years.

The causes are multiple and cumulative: phytosanitary products, the disappearance of insects, sites where to nest and climate change ... As if that were not enough, they must also face so-called managers of nature, those who seem to above all want to eradicate all in their path.

In Deux-Sèvres, partridges are in very poor condition, with eight birds missing from ten. Yes, partridges, the very ones that are supposedly well managed by hunters. Having to endure the local shoots and then the reintroduction to the countryside of these birds by means of the hunters efficient breeding schemes...

Irresponsible right up to the end of a rifle

And some speak of "responsible" hunting? But where is the responsibility when one takes to the forests that are deserted by walkers with a gun in hand to shoot all that moves? And of course, there have been mistakes made - damage to a protected species (dogs, cats and even residents who dared to go out into their gardens have been targeted)! Where is the responsibility when we release weakened, fattened animals, who have been selected to be easy prey? Where is the responsibility when using ancestral methods that blindly trap or kill? Where is the responsibility when a bird from a migratory species, has be reintroduced or protected in another country, only to be slaughtered while crossing ours? 

Concerning responsibility, well there is obviously none when you see the disappearance of species. And what is left? A bloodthirsty leisure activity which desperately tries to justify its killings when its country’s population is largely opposed to it.

All for one and one for all

So, for all the bird victims, we chose the path of appeal, because a single bird killed by hunting is a bird that will be missing, an individual who had the right to live. For each and every one of them, we will go all the way. And not one case in law through the courts is to be feared in case of failure.

In France, the courts and tribunals are not bound by their previous decisions, but a new act of law can be opposed in a new case. So, nothing to fear then, quite the contrary, for those whom we will protect and continue to fight for without stopping. And since the State Council seems to have taken the side of the hunters by dismissing our requests, it is before the European Commission that they will have to justify their actions!

We will be on November 20th at 2 p.m. be Infront of the State Council for our appeal to the merits concerning these orders of cruel traditional hunts (using glue, etc.) which trap and injure, even kill, blackbirds, thrushes, and many 'other little birds. We will also be there to cancel the ministerial order authorizing the killing of wild geese during February, while they are crossing our skies and are in full migration. At the beginning of February, we had obtained the suspension of this order.

Hr blog

In the subject

Several thousand tenrecs killed in Réunion: yet hunting was illegal! Once again, a tribunal has noted that hunting Galliformes is illegal

Comments 22

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Antonia | Friday 15 November 2019

Ça n'en finit pas les chasses aux animaux. Tout est bon. Il n'y a pas de limites. Franchement il y en a marre.

pouguy | Friday 15 November 2019

Nos politiques s'en foutent complètement car ils ne sortent pas de leurs bureaux et ne prennent pas conscience de la nature qui est en train de se dégrader très fortement à cause de nous et tous ça pour du fric. De plus en plus de gens se révoltent et en particulier les jeunes car leur avenir est incertain

Agnès bernard | Friday 15 November 2019

C’est bien de rappeler que le premier prédateur des oiseaux c’est l’Homme et pas le chat comme certains font passer le message depuis 2 ans. Si les oiseaux ne consommaient pas d’OGM qui les déroutent de leur vigilance, s'ils ne consommaient pas de pesticides, d’herbicides, de raticides, si les chasseurs ne s’en servaient pas de cibles, si la glu était interdite, les oiseaux et les chats vivraient leur vie. J’ai des chats, je leur ai toujours appris qu’il ne fallait ni jouer, ni manger les oiseaux, les oiseaux ont toute une partie de mon jardin aménagée pour eux ils sont libres, mangent des graines et chacun fait sa vie tranquille.

trochu | Friday 15 November 2019

Oui, fort heureusement nous sommes de plus en plus nombreux à nous révolter contre la chasse. Ce n'est qu'abominable et scandaleux ! A nous de nous battre et agir afin de dénoncer ce qu'est réellement la chasse. Les oiseaux se font de plus en plus rares, partout, c'est fini d'entendre leurs chants joyeux en été dans nos jardins, c'est fini de les voir voler. Une vie sans vie animale ne vaut rien, les animaux font partie de la vie, de la terre, de la nature, depuis bien plus longtemps que nous, ne l'oublions pas. Nous devons nous battre aussi pour protéger et défendre les oiseaux, tous les oiseaux, et tous les animaux quels qu'ils soient.