Friday 09 September 2022 | 11

When France Culture distributes propaganda on animal testing

When France Culture distributes propaganda on animal testing

Mis à jour le 30 November 2022

France Inter did it last winter; France Culture is following in their footsteps: for a programme on animal testing on Wednesday 7 September, ‘La Science – CQFD’ [a French podcast on science] welcomed two people in support of continuing animal testing, without inviting anyone to oppose them. We have written to France Culture to request a right of reply.

Hr blog

Photo: Macaques saved from a laboratory by One Voice in 1996

You might have hoped that the media in this area would contact One Voice or other specialist associations in order to allow a debate to be held properly. The live presence of an opposing party knowing the subject sufficiently had the advantage of discouraging lies and misleading messages.

An appalling programme

Unfortunately, not content with its success last winter on France Inter, Radio France recreated the experience a few days later on France Culture. The ‘La Science – CQFD’ programme welcomed Ivan Balansard (Gircor President) and Francelyne Marano (former Francopa President and distinguished scholar).

And there is plenty to fuel our disappointment: the episode does not mention either the problems relating to the current function of ethical committees, or the illegal laboratory practices approved in recent years by the Ministry of Research, or even the recent classification of crab-eating macaques (the primates most used by French laboratories) on the list of species threatened with extinction.

Instead, we hear things that are supposed to be reassuring such as a statement that cats and dogs are used mostly for veterinary research (as if that justifies the treatment in store for them) or that the regulations and checks are very rigorous (forgetting to mention that sanctions are almost non-existent).

Do public officials have the right to lie on air?

And, more bothersome, the lies. Francelyne Marano presents staff training as very comprehensive, even though the lack of training is the most frequent non-conformity noted during inspections (for 50% of laboratories among the 450 inspection reports seen by One Voice).

Ivan Balansard maintains that the inspections are almost never announced even though the surprise inspection rate has never passed 30% in France, far behind other countries in the European Union, according to the latest report from the European Commission.

Both are public agents, however. So you would think that them lying on air of a national public media would not be allowed.

We are requesting a real debate be held

In view of this information, we have written a letter to France Culture, to ask for a new episode to be prepared on animal testing which will include specialists opposing these practices – a group which we belong to.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Nicolas Marty
Hr blog

In the subject

The 2022 figures on animal testing have finally come out... and are not reassuring In 2024, mice and rats continue to be subjected to the worst experiments in French laboratories

Comments 11

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Patricia | Tuesday 13 September 2022

Combat essentiel et urgent, c'est l'omerta sur ces pratiques!
Livre de Audrey Jougla: "profession: animal de laboratoire"
J'ai déjà remarqué à plusieurs reprises que France Inter, au cours de ses émissions sur l'environnement était bien "frileux" sur les questions du bien être animal. La France est très en retard dans ce domaine.

Bernadette | Tuesday 13 September 2022

Vous devriez avoir honte de promouvoir la souffrance la torture de ces pauvres animaux maltraités !

Yann Darko | Tuesday 13 September 2022

Hélas, ça n'est pas surprenant.
Qu'attendre d'autre des médias officiels, qui ne sont RIEN D'AUTRE qu'un instrument de propagande dirigé par les puissants lobbys planétaires. Pauvres bêtes, nous inclus, soumises à l'expérimentation des scientocrates dépourvus d'empathie.