Tuesday 31 October 2023 | 11

We are asking for the complete cancellation of the decree listing species likely to cause damage before the courts and on the streets

We are asking for the complete cancellation of the decree listing species likely to cause damage before the courts and on the streets

Mis à jour le 28 February 2024

On 4 August 2023, the Ministry for the Ecological Transition published a new decree naming the list of ‘species likely to cause damage’. For the next three years, prefects in each department can authorise the trapping and slaughter of these targeted animals, even outside of hunting periods. We are asking the State Council to cancel this cynical law and we are rallying our volunteers in eighteen towns throughout the month of November.

Hr blog

Foxes, martens, weasels, stone martens, carrion crows, rooks, magpies, starlings, and jays... Named as ‘pests’ since 2016, the Ministry is now using the term ‘species likely to cause damage’ without this changing anything about the persecution that they are victims of. Targeted by a new ministerial decree valid for three years and created due to demands from agricultural and hunting lobbies, all of them risk being tracked, trapped, and massacred even outside of the hunting periods that are already authorised, in all departments where the prefects have given this gift to shooting enthusiasts who wish to practise their hobby all year round. Even though 71% of French people are in favour of a ban on trapping these animals according to our recent survey (Ipsos/One Voice Survey, October 2023).

We are referring to the State Council

We have attacked this law since it was published by filing an emergency interim proceeding, then, like other associations, a plea before the State Council. Today, we are continuing this momentum and reinforcing our initial request with an even more developed case file requesting a pure and simple cancellation of this law which rules that economic interests or human comfort take precedence over animals’ lives and biodiversity by de facto allowing hunting outside of the season and the continual trapping of the species concerned. In particular, our request targets around thirty cases* dependent of the species on a departmental level, and above all the pure and simple removal of foxes, rooks, and martens from the ministerial list of species likely to cause damage on a national level.

Throughout the month of November, we are organising coordinated action in around fifteen towns

We will be in Aix-en-Provence, Amiens, Gap, Limoges, Metz, Montpellier, Paris, and Troyes on the 11th, Bordeaux and Nice on the 12th, Bar-Le-Duc and Lille on the 18th, and in Nantes on the 25th, as well as in Angers, Falaise, La Rochelle, Rouen, and Strasbourg to defend these unwanted animals against the government’s destructive obsession (NB: check the event online before going).

The majority of you supported us in our fight during the public consultation. Continue to oppose these massacres of animals that populate our forests and our countryside along with us!

*One Voice’s requests for de-classification

  • Martens in the following departments: Aube, Aude, Haute-Garonne, Hautes-Pyrénées, Pyrénées-Orientales, Saône-et-Loire (6)
  • Stone martens: Ain, Allier, Landes, Morbihan, Vendée (5)
  • Weasels: Pas-de-Calais (the only department where the species is classified) (1)
  • Magpies: Ariège, Aveyron, Charente-Maritime, Gironde, Loiret, Maine-et-Loire, Mayenne, Morbihan, Tarn (9)
  • Carrion crows: Aveyron, Hautes-Alpes (2)
  • Jays: Corrèze, Tarn-et-Garonne (2)
  • Starlings: Corrèze, Eure, Gironde, Loiret, Meuse (5)

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Marion Henriet
Hr blog

In the subject

Is it the end of underground hunting with hounds? Five new victories! Foxes: the legal battle continues... Stop this carnage!

Comments 11

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Syl | Tuesday 07 November 2023

J'habite une grande ville de région parisienne proche de forêts domaniales. Il n'y a pas qu'à la campagne que l'on peut rencontrer ces petits animaux. En pleine ville aussi, il existe des ilots conquis par une faune qui ne sait plus où trouver la paix. Durant plusieurs années, j'ai pu parfois, le soir en promenant mes chiens, me retrouver face à un martre. Lorsque je travaillais près d'une voie ferrée, il y a eu une année magique, lorsque des renardeaux réunissaient mes collègues et moi derrière une vitre pour les voir s'ébattre près de leur terrier. Un soir, j'ai vu un canard sauvage dans la rue, se reposant au pied d'un arbre avant de reprendre sa route à l'aube... Nous sommes connectés à notre Terre-mère et à tous ses habitants. Et même ceux qui nous paraissent insensibles, peuvent s'émerveiller, un peu honteux, face à la nature qui nous surprend toujours.

Leeloo | Tuesday 07 November 2023

C'est une Honte !!
Quand va-t-on en finir avec ce délire d'animaux nuisibles
(ESOD) ?? Tant que les chasseurs et l'agriculture intensive feront la Loi !! Mais de quel droit l'être humain (apprenti sorcier qui ne comprend rien) va dire qui a le droit de vivre ou pas selon ses critères ??
On a pas assez fait de dégâts sur la Biodiversité (beaucoup d'espèces sont en grand danger d'extinction). Est-ce qu'il faudra que l'être humain disparaisse pour que les Animaux vivent tranquilles ??
La Nature a commencé à se venger et j'espère qu'elle va continuer... C'est à nous de nous adapter à la Nature et pas le contraire...

Patricia | Tuesday 07 November 2023

A part les humains, je ne vois pas d'autres espèces susceptibles de provoquer des dégâts.....on n'a qu'à voir les infos chaque jour.

Marilyn | Tuesday 07 November 2023

Stop à la chasse de toutes sortes