Thursday 26 April 2018 | 9

Two prefectures abandon night shootings of red foxes

Two prefectures abandon night shootings of red foxes

Mis à jour le 29 January 2019

Two draft prefectural decrees, in Meurthe-et-Moselle and Aube, to allow night shooting of red foxes has been abandoned. The numerous participations concerning public consultations has paid off and the developed arguments have won the battle! Several hundred foxes and their young have been saved. This is one more step towards the rehabilitation of this animal so intelligent and sensitive, victim of a terrible reputation.

Hr blog

In February, several public consultations were launched by prefectures in eastern France, with a view to adopting orders authorizing night shooting of red foxes. We had asked you to stop such orders of the planned "levy", in other words the stalking and hunting of more than 500 foxes in the departments concerned.

Yet these small canines feel emotions, are sentient beings, and intelligent. They live in families, and have a very rich subjective life, we witness the place they have taken over time in our stories for children and in our imaginations. Their ingenuity and liveliness has been remarkable to be hold in the eyes of humans for centuries.

The false arguments of hunters revealed in the light of day

The Renard Grand Est Collective, of which One Voice is a part of, had raised contradictions and false arguments in the reports of the federations of hunters that prompted the writing of these decrees. A solid and reliable argument had been prepared on the basis of the legitimate criticisms raised by these draft orders.

In Meurthe-et-Moselle, the hunters had convinced the prefecture that the hares were in danger because of the foxes, and required the shooting of 500 of them. Not a contradiction, the same federation of hunters required the "levy" in parallel with 1500 hares in the same order. The figures in their report were very questionable.

In Meurthe-et-Moselle as in the Aube, the fox still crystallized all the irrational fears around illnesses, whereas its presence prevents in particular that the Lyme disease - of which voles are carriers - spreads at high speed, likewise for alveolar echinococcosis ...

We are still waiting for the summaries and analyses of the Moselle and Ardennes consultations, but the renouncement of the Aube and Meurthe-et-Moselle prefectures is very encouraging! In Meurthe-et-Moselle, 62% of the opinions filed were against the draft order, they were 96% in Aube!

The red fox indicative of irrational fears

What our contributions to all of this has shown is that the red fox is once again considered as the source of all evils, the scapegoat of humans ...

If the partridge and hare populations need to be "restored", it would be much more effective to remove them from the list of huntable animals. Protect their habitat by ceasing to cut back ever more forests to put in place intensive agriculture with the application of pesticides or the building of shopping centres.

Foxes regulate their population in accordance with their habitat and the presence of food available, so it is useless to hunt or trap endlessly! These poor animals are considered during the entire hunting season as game and the rest of the year they are considered as likely to cause damage. This allows for their trapping and even their unearthing, regardless of their age, which means that babies too can be slaughtered!

Opinions matter, let's keep taking action!

Thank you for your mobilization!

If sometimes the opinions of the public and animal advocates are swept away, this time the two consultations were taken into account as they should. The arguments of the public were based on a scientific, technical and very precise basis, in addition to highlighting the highly sensitsive nature of these wonderful beings.

So, let's always be vigilant, and let's get ready to write at the next opportunity, to defend the foxes! To make them disappear from the list of species likely to cause damage, please continue to sign our petition!

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

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Comments 9

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

QUINQUIN | Monday 30 April 2018

"L'Empire de l'inconscience humaine:La Liberté est à l'Univers, ce que l'homme est à l'argent".
L'espèce humaine est le cancer de la planète TERRE. Et plus elle explorera l'Univers, plus elle contaminera chaque autre planète. Plus elle est "intelligente", plus elle devient idiote.

nathy | Monday 30 April 2018

Les projets d'arrêtés envisagés par les préfectures de l'Aube et de la Meurthe-et-Moselle, les chasseurs ne pourront pas tuer les renards la nuit comme ils l’espéraient. C'est une bonne nouvelle !!! Pour quelles raisons les préfectures des autres régions de France ne sont elles concernées par ce projet
d'arrêt, car encore la majorité des renards souffrent de cette tuerie. Il faut poursuivre sans relâche les sollicitations auprès de chaque préfecture de France par pétition et demander aux citoyens d'apporter leur signature auprès de leur préfecture pour faire avancer cet arrêter dans leur département.
Merci à vous One voice pour vos combats en faveur des animaux en détresse.

PIMPRENELLE | Monday 30 April 2018

Je remercie vivement ONE VOICE pour son travail et j'espère que ces victoires seront le premier pas pour contrôler mieux la chasse. Les riverains se plaignent sans arrêt des dérangements de la chasse : impossibilité pour eux de se promener en saison de chasse, tirs près des maisons, tirs sur les animaux domestiques quant ce ne sont pas des accidents de chasse sur les humains. Tous ces gens ne se sentent pas en sécurité alors que normalement tout le monde a droit à la sécurité et de pouvoir se promener dans les bois sans "avoir la peur au ventre". La puissante fédération des chasseurs obtient beaucoup ce sont pour les politiques des "voix électorales" et nous nous ne votons pas !! Heureusement que le parti des "sans voix" a été créé cela permettra peut-être de rééquilibrer les forces au moment des discussions. Faisons entendre notre voix : celle des animaux !

Ewa Perczak | Monday 30 April 2018

au lieu de tuer et exterminer les rats, laissons aux renards ce travail : nous le savons que les renards attrapent les rongeurs, donc les rats ! les renards ne sont pas des nuisibles !!! avec l'équilibre rompu, les rats arrivent dans les villages !!! à Venise, les chats, les renards et les fouines vivent en ville et la nuit, chassent des rats !!!!