Thursday 13 October 2022 | 16

Three research projects on pain and stress approved in 2022

Three research projects on pain and stress approved in 2022

Mis à jour le 26 December 2022

Since the beginning of the year, France has been publishing summaries for animal testing projects approved on the basis of European ALURES data. An opportunity for the public to discover the suffering that awaits animals in laboratories in real-time.

Hr blog

While our campaign on forced swimming continues, we have discovered a new project accepted by the Ministry in charge of research, which is going to subject 420 mice “to chronic pain for 9 weeks or chronic stress for 3 weeks with, in both cases, the development of anxiety-depressive disorders” treated with two antidepressants whose function will be studied thanks to “anxiety-depressive tests with a duration comprising between 5 and 6 minutes”.

This understatement is not the only one, since we have found mention of “behavioural tests” without further clarification in another recently approved project, among others. A nice way to avoid mentioning the forced swimming test, which is precisely this duration.

But we cannot forget that animal testing is packed with other just as unbearable practices. Three ‘strict’ project summaries approved and published online on 13 July have attracted our attention.

Stress in utero, bacterial infections, and chronic pain

The objective of the first project is to study how stress in utero and bacterial infections favour chronic illnesses in lineage, to find avenues for treatment for these illnesses.

For this, 840 pregnant mice will be put into a restraining tube under a bright light (two stress factors) for thirty minutes, three times a day, for six days. Due to this, their young will have anxious and depressive behaviours.

The research team will then subject these 2,016 mice to various experiments, from bacterial infection through force-feeding to implanting electrodes, taking blood, and anxiety tests.

Pain specialists

The second project responds to a request from pharmaceutical companies who want varied pain models to test their analgesic molecules.

The laboratory already has ten models for ten forms of pain yet they want to develop an eleventh. For this, the laboratory staff will ligate the sciatic nerve or spinal nerve of 2,428 rats, implant cancerous cells in the tibia, take away part of the cartilage in the knee, and inject them with inflammatory agents in the bottoms of their feet.

Then they will test different substances, take blood from the neck, tail, eyes, or heart up to three times a day and submerge the related paw into 42°C water several times to test their pain reactions.

Painkillers... except for when they interfere with the results

The third project looks to test the anti-inflammatory or pain-killing potential of various substances in inflammatory pathologies of the intestinal system.

For this goal, the research team will make 300 guinea pigs starve for twenty-four hours before applying an inflammatory reagent to their colon, treating them acutely or chronically with the drugs to be tested, and observing the evolution of the inflammation by regularly testing their pain for one to two weeks.

The project summary states that no analgesic or anti-inflammatory treatment will be given to the animals, who will simply be killed if the suffering due to inflammation becomes “intense”.

For an end to harsh experiments

For all of these projects, the animals will be killed at the end of the experiments — whether that be to gather and study their tissues and organs or more simply because they cannot be reused in other experiments.

These practices, legal today in France, remind us that the fight must not only be waged against the non-conformities and other lies by people who want to perpetuate animal testing. The cultural, political, and regulatory change is just as important to succeed in banning animal testing.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Nicolas Marty
Hr blog

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Comments 16

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

trochu | Wednesday 19 October 2022

Ce gouvernement, toutes ces hautes autorités et laboratoires ne sont qu'immondes et ignobles voire écœurants et dégoûtants au plus haut point, car comment est-ce possible que des animaux qui sont tous des êtres vivants autant que nous le sommes, soient encore continuellement en 2022, torturés, massacrés, mutilés et subissent les pires des horreurs et barbaries inimaginables, soi-disant "pour le bien des humains". Il est devenu depuis très longtemps déjà plus que pénible de se soigner, de se faire vacciner sachant qu'à la base, ce sont des êtres vivants qui ont été tous martyrisés et torturés pour "nous", c'est insupportable et bouleversant. Macron et sa clique devrait avoir honte de cautionner encore et encore toutes ces exploitations abominables et infâmes envers des animaux "au nom de la science". Qu'attendent tous ces chercheurs immondes pour se tourner vers les méthodes alternatives et de substitution ? Qu'attendent ils pour vouloir encourager et accepter d'être formés à toutes ces méthodes éthiques et humaines ? Comment peuvent ils continuer de vivre sereinement et "normalement avec toutes les atrocités, les cruautés abominables et épouvantables" qu'ils font subir au quotidien aux animaux dans leurs laboratoires de la honte et de l'horreur? Vraiment toutes ces questions se posent car les animaux doivent obtenir tous, le statut d'êtres vivants, d'êtres très intelligents, sensibles et émotionnels, et la plupart du temps mille fois plus que des humains. Pourquoi les populations continuent d'aider, de soutenir et d'encourager l'expérimentation animale alors que pour beaucoup, elles se prétendent et se disent "aimer les animaux" ? Que peut on faire pour informer et sensibiliser davantage toutes ces personnes quant à l'horreur de l'expérimentation animale ?
Merci ONE VOICE, car nous devons absolument tous agir pour faire cesser toutes ces pratiques plus que lamentables, révoltantes et épouvantables.

Patricia | Wednesday 19 October 2022

Les humains n'ont qu'à changer d'alimentation et ils n'auront plus d'inflammations de toutes sortes.

Béa | Tuesday 18 October 2022

Cette barbarie légalisée doit être définitivement interdite et remplacée par de nombreuses méthodes substitutives existantes !!! Ces tests non fiables sont d'une totale aberration.

Caron | Tuesday 18 October 2022

L’expérimentation animale à destination des êtres humains n’a plus de raison d’être grâce notamment au développement des nouvelles technologies en la matière. À terme l’humanité devrait pouvoir se passer de telles pratiques d’une autre époque.